What is your stance on these key 12 political issues and why ?

How are you voting?

  • DEM

    Votes: 15 75.0%
  • REP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3rd party

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters


All Star
Apr 21, 2015
Name your state and your Vote of Democrat, Republican, or 3rd party.

Quickly Explain your stance on these key dozen issues as well. Name your top 3 issues !

1. TAXES: Higher or Lower Taxes for citizens?
2. BUSINESS REGULATION: Should businesses be regulated/taxed more or less?
3. DRUGS: Legalization of Marijuana? End of Drug war?
4. HEALTHCARE: universal healthcare?
5. FREE COLLEGE: Free undergraduate college education?
6. WELFARE: Should Social Welfare Programs (section 8/food stamps/maternity leave etc) be increased or decreased?
7. ABORTION: Should states be allowed to restrict Abortion again?
8. GUNS: More Gun Control or less Gun Control your opinions on CCW?
9. GAY RIGHTS: Should Gay Marriage be upheld? Should Gays be allowed to Adopt?
10. IMMIGRATION: Should we have an open border/allow illegals here?
11. RACE: Does Policing need reform here, Affirmative action may end soon (already in cali maybe at harvard) whats your stance on that, whats your view on BLM and the NFL protests.
12. WAGES: Should a federal min wage of 15$ or even 20$ be enacted?

Hoodoo Child

The Urban Legend
Jul 22, 2017
The Crossroads
My mains issues as of right now are Healthcare, Social Reform, and Welfare

1. TAXES: Everybody should pay a decent base amount. (Not too much/not too less)
2. BUSINESS REGULATION: Depending on the size and how much revenue the business makes, yes.
3. DRUGS: Yes, Marijuana should be legal, and the folks who got arrested for selling it should all be released, post haste.
4. HEALTHCARE: Everyone should start out with free healthcare for the first 4 years. After that, it's up to you to invest.
5. FREE COLLEGE: We already have colleges who don't charge tuition.
6. WELFARE: It depends on the your background. We got alota frauds out here using Government assistance.
7. ABORTION: I feel as though abortions should be used as a last resort (in case of rape and incest). But it's still her choice
8. GUNS: Not all gun owners are treated equal. Black Guns Matter tho
9. GAY RIGHTS: :DamnPause:
10. IMMIGRATION: fukk no :hhh:
11. RACE: Hell yeah policing should be reformed, and as for protesting..that shyt is pointless without resources. We have to get in their pockets
12. WAGES: Knock it up to $10

I always vote Independent, but with the current sign of the times, I don't know.


All Star
Apr 21, 2015
My mains issues as of right now are Healthcare, Social Reform, and Welfare

1. TAXES: Everybody should pay a decent base amount. (Not too much/not too less)
2. BUSINESS REGULATION: Depending on the size and how much revenue the business makes, yes.
3. DRUGS: Yes, Marijuana should be legal, and the folks who got arrested for selling it should all be released, post haste.
4. HEALTHCARE: Everyone should start out with free healthcare for the first 4 years. After that, it's up to you to invest.
5. FREE COLLEGE: We already have colleges who don't charge tuition.
6. WELFARE: It depends on the your background. We got alota frauds out here using Government assistance.
7. ABORTION: I feel as though abortions should be used as a last resort (in case of rape and incest). But it's still her choice
8. GUNS: Not all gun owners are treated equal. Black Guns Matter tho
9. GAY RIGHTS: :DamnPause:
10. IMMIGRATION: fukk no :hhh:
11. RACE: Hell yeah policing should be reformed, and as for protesting..that shyt is pointless without resources. We have to get in their pockets
12. WAGES: Knock it up to $10

I always vote Independent, but with the current sign of the times, I don't know.
Good stances on alot of those issues. I hated both Hillary and trump last presidental election i voted 3rd party


Dec 16, 2015
Taxes should be high as fukk but progressive

Heavy business regulation

All drugs should be decriminalized

Free healthcare, healthcare shouldn't be a business

Free college, education shouldn't be a business

Government assistance should be increased

Abort all you want, it's the bytch's body

Workers and the poor should never give up their right to bare arms

Immigration should be restricted, racially blind and according to the needs of the country

Affirmative Action and race based programs should be for DOS and Native Americans only

Wages and the work week should adjust to cost of living and productivity...

Why all this, because that's what modern wealthy countries do...
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Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA

1. Lower taxes or at least a revamp of the system. I think they doing something like that now with the tax brackets. I'm ok with the wealthy paying a higher percentage based on salary. Like anyone under 100k pay 15%, then to 250k pay 17%, and so forth.

2. Tough to say cuz not every business is created equal. Can't really tax a mom and pop the same as Google. They do need to regulate the business practices and ensure that companies are fair as far as salary and everything else.

3. I'm ok with legalizing marijuana as long as the money is used for important things like healthcare and the citizens. I don't smoke and don't care for it so not something I'm interested in.

4. Tough one. I work for a health insurance company for the medicine department so I can't say that I support free healthcare, but then again I know that doesn't mean that everything is free. Especially since the healthcare field is such a huge business. I do support having a free basic healthcare system where I can just get the bare minimum. I recently cancelled the health insurance I had at work and will likely get my own. But I haven't been to a doctor in years and I don't really use it so I see no reason to spend like $35 a week on it. But a basic free plan would be cool. At this point it'll be cheaper up pay the damn fee.

5. I'd say free for the first two years. Obviously the schools need to make money and I'm sure they make tons. Maybe getting the first two years free will influence more students to attend or something. But I wouldn't mind this idea. Maybe they can use some of the weed money for it.

6. I'm ok with revamping the system. Shouldn't be something that's abused. Like I don't mind paying taxes but if someone is able bodied, then they should work also. Of course the economy and job market isn't the same everywhere so it's a tough subject. I think some people just have more kids than they can afford just for the extra benefits.

7. I'm pro choice. The woman should have the right to choose, but the father should have a say also.

8. I'm ok with less gun control. The criminals are gonna get guns no matter what, so why can't the regular citizens defend themselves. I say keep the gun laws the same. Crazy lunatics still gonna find ways to get them and do harm. They got all kinds of weapons available on the black market so gun control won't really do much. They'll find a way.

9. Let them do whatever they want. Doesn't affect my pockets or feelings. Everyone should be treated as equals.

10. Tough issue. If there's open borders then you take the good with the bad. Sure there may be drug dealers and criminals coming thru, but what about the family of four who's trying to escape the hardships of their country? We talk about how our government is corrupt but some of these other countries are much worse. Would be easy to just help fix those other countries but not that simple. We can't take all the people cuz they use up much needed resources but then again we can't afford to have everyone trying to cross the border cuz who knows who they are.

11. I watch football to see the games, not see who stands or kneels. I believe all lives matter and should be equal. If players want to kneel, stand, whatever, let them. I don't know what's up with the recent influx of random white women calling the cops on black people but those women are idiots anyways. I think everyone should have a fair chance in life based on skills and talent. I know there's this white privilege thing but not everyone is affected by it. It's more of a class issue in my opinion. But there are exemptions to that.

12. I think everyone should make a livable wage. Even if they raise it to $12 minimum every state. But of course would that even be possible? Like how would companies react to that? Who knows if they'll raise prices and put those pay increase on the consumer. Inflation has been growing for years and wages have been stagnant. It's getting harder and harder to survive out there. So raising wages might help with that but people need to be financially responsible regardless and not just depend on minimum wage increases.


All Star
Apr 21, 2015

1. Lower taxes or at least a revamp of the system. I think they doing something like that now with the tax brackets. I'm ok with the wealthy paying a higher percentage based on salary. Like anyone under 100k pay 15%, then to 250k pay 17%, and so forth.

2. Tough to say cuz not every business is created equal. Can't really tax a mom and pop the same as Google. They do need to regulate the business practices and ensure that companies are fair as far as salary and everything else.

3. I'm ok with legalizing marijuana as long as the money is used for important things like healthcare and the citizens. I don't smoke and don't care for it so not something I'm interested in.

4. Tough one. I work for a health insurance company for the medicine department so I can't say that I support free healthcare, but then again I know that doesn't mean that everything is free. Especially since the healthcare field is such a huge business. I do support having a free basic healthcare system where I can just get the bare minimum. I recently cancelled the health insurance I had at work and will likely get my own. But I haven't been to a doctor in years and I don't really use it so I see no reason to spend like $35 a week on it. But a basic free plan would be cool. At this point it'll be cheaper up pay the damn fee.

5. I'd say free for the first two years. Obviously the schools need to make money and I'm sure they make tons. Maybe getting the first two years free will influence more students to attend or something. But I wouldn't mind this idea. Maybe they can use some of the weed money for it.

6. I'm ok with revamping the system. Shouldn't be something that's abused. Like I don't mind paying taxes but if someone is able bodied, then they should work also. Of course the economy and job market isn't the same everywhere so it's a tough subject. I think some people just have more kids than they can afford just for the extra benefits.

7. I'm pro choice. The woman should have the right to choose, but the father should have a say also.

8. I'm ok with less gun control. The criminals are gonna get guns no matter what, so why can't the regular citizens defend themselves. I say keep the gun laws the same. Crazy lunatics still gonna find ways to get them and do harm. They got all kinds of weapons available on the black market so gun control won't really do much. They'll find a way.

9. Let them do whatever they want. Doesn't affect my pockets or feelings. Everyone should be treated as equals.

10. Tough issue. If there's open borders then you take the good with the bad. Sure there may be drug dealers and criminals coming thru, but what about the family of four who's trying to escape the hardships of their country? We talk about how our government is corrupt but some of these other countries are much worse. Would be easy to just help fix those other countries but not that simple. We can't take all the people cuz they use up much needed resources but then again we can't afford to have everyone trying to cross the border cuz who knows who they are.

11. I watch football to see the games, not see who stands or kneels. I believe all lives matter and should be equal. If players want to kneel, stand, whatever, let them. I don't know what's up with the recent influx of random white women calling the cops on black people but those women are idiots anyways. I think everyone should have a fair chance in life based on skills and talent. I know there's this white privilege thing but not everyone is affected by it. It's more of a class issue in my opinion. But there are exemptions to that.

12. I think everyone should make a livable wage. Even if they raise it to $12 minimum every state. But of course would that even be possible? Like how would companies react to that? Who knows if they'll raise prices and put those pay increase on the consumer. Inflation has been growing for years and wages have been stagnant. It's getting harder and harder to survive out there. So raising wages might help with that but people need to be financially responsible regardless and not just depend on minimum wage increases.
Alot of good suggestions in here. I agree with alot of your stances.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Name your state and your Vote of Democrat, Republican, or 3rd party.

Quickly Explain your stance on these key dozen issues as well. Name your top 3 issues !

1. TAXES: Lower Taxes for citizens
2. BUSINESS REGULATION: Should businesses be regulated more than they are now. But not nickel and dimed.
3. DRUGS: Legalization of Marijuana? Yes. End of Drug war? Against, weed, hemp, ecstasy, yes.
4. HEALTHCARE: universal healthcare.
5. FREE COLLEGE: Free undergraduate college education? No, but affordable.
6. WELFARE: Replaced with Universal Basic Income.
7. ABORTION: Should states be allowed to restrict Abortion again? No.
8. GUNS: Deal with illegal gun trafficking and groups actively recruiting mass murderers.
9. GAY RIGHTS: Should Gay Marriage be upheld? Should Gays be allowed to Adopt? We claim to be a free country. We claim to be about equal rights. So by the law, yes.
10. IMMIGRATION: No open borders. But also foreign policy needs to change so immigrants aren't fleeing here every 5 years.
11. RACE: Policing needs reform. Private prisons should be outlawed. Reparations need to be paid out. We are still owed our 40 acres and a mule.
12. WAGES: Federal minimum wage should be $12 and should increase with inflation.


All Star
Apr 21, 2015
1. TAXES: Lower Taxes for citizens
2. BUSINESS REGULATION: Should businesses be regulated more than they are now. But not nickel and dimed.
3. DRUGS: Legalization of Marijuana? Yes. End of Drug war? Against, weed, hemp, ecstasy, yes.
4. HEALTHCARE: universal healthcare.
5. FREE COLLEGE: Free undergraduate college education? No, but affordable.
6. WELFARE: Replaced with Universal Basic Income.
7. ABORTION: Should states be allowed to restrict Abortion again? No.
8. GUNS: Deal with illegal gun trafficking and groups actively recruiting mass murderers.
9. GAY RIGHTS: Should Gay Marriage be upheld? Should Gays be allowed to Adopt? We claim to be a free country. We claim to be about equal rights. So by the law, yes.
10. IMMIGRATION: No open borders. But also foreign policy needs to change so immigrants aren't fleeing here every 5 years.
11. RACE: Policing needs reform. Private prisons should be outlawed. Reparations need to be paid out. We are still owed our 40 acres and a mule.
12. WAGES: Federal minimum wage should be $12 and should increase with inflation.
Agree with most statements.

I feel like 12 is reasonable for the wage increases

I also agree that schools should be decreased state schools were the prices of community colleges 30 years

I do think UBI is needed for entry level positions. It will have to be implemented later on though when more automation comes to industries.


All Star
Feb 13, 2017
This "open border" thing is so fictitious. The majority of liberals in America don't want open border, and no one in the Democratic party is campaigning for open borders, I don't even live in America and I know this


All Star
Apr 21, 2015
This "open border" thing is so fictitious. The majority of liberals in America don't want open border, and no one in the Democratic party is campaigning for open borders, I don't even live in America and I know this

The problem is several democrats that are the loudest in the media keep on aggressively advocating for passive border control. Whenever I turn on the news I hear them saying some of the stupidest stuff.

This 4k migrant caravan is going to ruin the election for the democrats :sad:


All Star
Feb 13, 2017
The problem is several democrats that are the loudest in the media keep on aggressively advocating for passive border control. Whenever I turn on the news I hear them saying some of the stupidest stuff.

This 4k migrant caravan is going to ruin the election for the democrats :sad:
Who? And what was said specifically?


All Star
Apr 21, 2015
Who? And what was said specifically?

The democrats are proclaiming this as people seeking asylum and a humanitarian issue.

The republicans see them trying to get a free lunch to get into this country without going through the process.

A lot of people are indifferent or don't want them here. This is going to hurt our midterms for democrats imo. Cruz will definitely win texas now.