whats the scariest science fact that the public knows nothing about


Collecting honey and money
Dec 19, 2016

1.In Yellowknife, NT Canada, there was a gold mine operating for 54 years, and a byproduct of that mining process was arsenic trioxide... 237,000 tonnes of it, enough to kill everything on the planet. They figured the best thing to do was to bury it in permafrost. The problem is, it's starting to get warmer, so they have to figure out what to do with it. It's not a secret. Just no one is talking about it.

2.For two days in September of 1859 a massive solar flare (coronal mass ejection) powerful enough to make hanging telegraph lines burst into flames from the induced current washed over the Earth. Another massive burst in 2012 only just missed Earth, but it's not going to be pretty when our luck runs out on this.

3.For me personally the acidification of our oceans. You don’t want to know what will happen if all plankton dies.

4.Insect population depletion

5.CO2 levels are causing the pH levels in the ocean to move towards an acidic level. No not like burn yourself acid, but just enough that it's causing an already noticeable impact to microorganisms at the bottom of the food chain. This may eventually lead to a ecological collapse. It seems to be impacting phytoplankton which is responsible for producing a good chunk of the air you breath as well. If the oceans go anaerobic the atmosphere would become toxic. A similar event has occurred during one or two of the past mass extinction events.

6.The actual amount of crude oil that's been pumped directly into the ocean. BP had High Definition 4K live footage of the pipe that ruptured and chose to censor it. And it's not just BP that's had an incident like that.

7.People don’t talk enough about the melting permafrost and the associated positive feedback loops that only accelerate what’s already started

8.It is estimated that by 2050, more than 10 million people will die due to antimicrobial resistance. Many people know, but nothing is done and it is terrifying. Scary as fukk.

9.The inevitable displacement of Mexico City due to the abuse and lack of fresh water. It will be an international incident by their own making, displacing roughly 20 million people. Half of their utilities infrastructure is faulty and the current leadership has no viable way to repair and maintain their current system. It's not a matter of if, but when the system collapses. Normal groundwater reserve use is ten percent for any major city and only under dire circumstances should it be used at all. Mexico City uses almost half of their supply from groundwater reserves annually. Current projections show a complete collapse within 15 years.

10.The worlds soil is running out of nitrogen pretty rapidly, and most farmland is essentially “zombie” farmland where it would be completely unusable without fertiliser, and if we ever run out of the minerals needed for fertiliser then we are rather screwed, and on top of that the nutritional value of most fruit and veg isn’t in a great state either there’s so much crop inbreeding, I mean one bad virus in the US could tank production of certain crops.

11.An Extinction Level asteroid could hit Earth with only a few days notice. Asteroids can appear very quickly from what appears to be nowhere. There is nothing we could do to prevent it from hitting.


Collecting honey and money
Dec 19, 2016

All of existence, the entire universe, may be inside a "quantum bubble" within a larger system. Essentially, the universe exists as a unique alignment in higher dimensions, like a soap bubble, and that alignment could be disrupted when it encounters an impurity, which would then propagate, unraveling all of reality as we know it in an instant.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
It's like I said in one of my posts on the topic. The end of the world will resemble the death of a person in old age rather than the dramatic movie like ending that people expect.

It's not going to be a massive nuclear war
It won't be a giant plague
It won't be a series of massive natural disasters all happening everywhere
It won't be a comet.
It won't be robots taking over.

It will be tiny versions of all of this happening constantly and far more aggressively until there's nobody left. You'll have more conflicts popping up like the genocide happening in israel or the war between ukraine and russia. More of these types of conflicts will start showing up left right and center.

There will be a bunch of other pandemics similar to covid, but after the second or third one the governments and press will just make a conscious decision to not talk about it or put any protective measures in place. They'll just let thousands of people keep dying every day. Big companies actually pay people to game these things out and then the leadership decides on what they consdier an acceptable amount of human lives lost until they start losing money. The plan then will be to just fold up and fail as a company whilst giving the executives and shareholders golden parachutes.

Every season the forest fires will get hotter, burn longer, and cause more and more deaths from smoke, accidents from obscured roads and skies, and loss of infrastructure forcing people into tighter and tighter living conditions which is the perfect atmosphere for disease to spread.

We'll get solar flares that fukk up our communications. The ENTIRE backbone of civilization is now built on electricity. If that goes, we are fukked. Especially with silicon valley's race to digitize everything and eliminate all forms of physical media.

The robots will just be more sophisticated AI bots and deepfake technology being deployed to scam people and for propaganda purposes. You think Israeli propaganda is crazy now? wait until they have such sophisticated deepfake videos and images that you'll be convinced that every last arab in the region is brutally murdering white children and raping their women. The video footage will be right there, and with greater concentration of media in private hands--all you'll get is that fake footage flooding your screens. This propaganda will be used to justify more and more genocides as scapegoats are used to deflect from the damage that big capital and corrupt government is doing.

The train has left the station. The elites know what's coming and are investing heavily in technology because what they're hoping to achieve is to have bunkers or private islands with sophisticated automated and self-sustaining systems. For example, Zuckerberg buys an island, builds a compound kitted out with flood detection systems, fire suppression systems, hydroponic gardens, Solar energy and storage system, mini thorium nuclear reactor as a back up, waste filtering and recycling system, 3D printers and a supercomputer with the most sophisticated AI running it. The AI will be able to diagnose and treat illness by using the 3D printer to manufacture precise surgical tools, or to simulate and create new medicines based off the atomic structure of elements. So theoretically it can be a surgeon, doctor, and pharmacist. There would be hospital beds, adaptive equipment(to cope with the frailty that comes in old age) and other things to prepare for aging. For defense, they'd have motion detecting turrets, viruses and ransomware designed to target and redirect any drones attempting to bomb them or ships attempting to get to the island. There would of course be drones used for surveillance and defense if needed. There would be boston-dynamics style robo-dogs with armaments mounted on them patrolling the area as well, and the bunker would be deep underground to resist tsunami flooding, irradiated air, and any other hazards that could threaten him if he were to set foot on the surface.

Their actions vis-a-vis climate change and fighting any legislation to regulate them only make sense when you understand that they're well aware of the problem and rather than investing vast sums of wealth into fixing it, they'd rather just make as much money as possible in the present in order to invest in their hiding places. You'll start seeing these billionaires quietly resigning from their positions and leaving the public eye. That's how you'll know that shyt is about to get bad. They've already started their retreat.

It's a lot of people on earth. 7 billion is A LOT. Humanity will still survive for at least a few hundred years, but the death toll will be like nothing we've ever witnessed. Right now its probably at least 1 million people dying every day from various things(hunger, disease, war, natural disasters) that number will be in the tens of millions and people will just get comfortable with that number. The population will continue to shrink as the death rates continue to rise, then you'll start seeing a dramatic increase in deaths because there will be more seniors alive than young people, and being a senior carries a higher susceptibility of infection, severe injury, and age related disease. Economies will collapse because there just won't be enough young people to keep the companies running and some people might even actually start physically targeting the old to take their property from them by force.


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker


Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
Mites live permanently on your face and they mate, give birth, eat your dead skin and they die and decompose and leak shyt on your face.

this is only shyt ppl who dont wash their legs gotta deal with...

mites on they face get up in their scalp.... then travel to they ass.. word to grandpa joe