#WhiteADOS: Do our "cousins" get the check too?

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
NOT my thoughts and I'm aware of Darity's rule of thumb. Finished this stream a while ago.

It's an interesting discussion, even though I can't fully tell where they stand :mjtf:

  • They go thru bits of some Henry Louis Gates doc where black and white people discover their ancestors' encounter with one another or that they're related.
  • Start talmbout how "that's your cousin" :rudy:
  • Made a bit of "White ADOS" and "Colonists" (Euro immigrants).
  • Point out that there would be whites that make the ADOS claim and they'd be right.

My thoughts:
  • :mjtf:fukk that
  • A lawyer would prolly have to speak on it, but I don't think Darity's rule of having at least one ancestor and your ancestors identifying on censuses is protective enough. These would STILL be "American Descendants of Slavery"... Lineage is the key, right? Race is the con that allows black immigrants in-- at least that's how I understand it. So wouldn't race be a con on census records too??? They talk about those that passed as white taking advantage, idk. Discuss


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
The people she is talking about are not "white ADOS", they may be white cousins.

If she means blacks who "passed", if they were accepted as white by society and listed themselves as white on official documents they wouldn't qualify for Reparations under the Darity criteria.

Shoog Shatmi

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
I don't see how this is deal breaker. There is a already a precedent for setting arbitrary genealogical requirements to be counted as a member of a government-recognized group.

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
The people she is talking about are not "white ADOS", they may be white cousins.

If she means blacks who "passed", if they were accepted as white by society and listed themselves as white on official documents they wouldn't qualify for Reparations under the Darity criteria.

there no white ados

u have to have a black ancestor who goes back to 1619.

and u also have to claim black in the last ten years.

yall can stop this
Is it lineage based or race based?


Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me

I've already spoke on this topic​

[See 5th bullet point below]

2 of 2
To be succinct my overall position is...

This first point is so important it's noted alone:
  • Tones wealth analysis is fundamentally flawed in it's application (I.E. You can't take persons making incomes of 80k v.s. 15k a year and act like they have anywhere near the same financial life because of a similar "non-depreciating asset" profile) people across drastically distinct income levels can easily have similar "wealth" profiles.(All other positions raised by tone & carnell essentially stems from or are in defense of this flawed analysis) ...I've been saying this about 2-3 years now before the current state of affairs and have expressed such directly on tones page.

Everything else is essentially satellites and/or shields to the above:
  • I don't need tone and carnells talking points and ideological framework to advocate that the political parties advance African American policy for my vote. This sentiment predates anything they have to say. People were calling for African American policy that mirror all the Gay, feminist, Latino positions during Obamas first term and were told he can't do anything just for black people or to wait until he secures his second term. Then they again asked where are the African American policies his second term and were told he can't do anything just for black people or just wait until he's out of office since he wouldn't have his hands tied. Even folks like Cornell west was early to that party, which folks played off as tho it was solely about inauguration tickets. (That said Cornell west was on the socialist "class" / "the poor" band wagon as opposed to specifically African American issues) Point being that policy for African Americans tipping point was met independent of anything Tone & Carnell has to add.
  • I don't need tone and carnells talking points and ideological framework to advocate for reparations. This sentiment predates anything they have to say. People were calling for reparations via HR40(rep. Jackson, 2019), The Case for Reparations (ta-nehisi coates ,2014), Lawsuit (Johnny Cochran, 2001), HR40 (Rep. Conyers, 1993, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003......2017) Legislative Search Results , all the way back to 40 acres and a mule. If I want to call for reparations I'll do that I don't need them.
  • Caribbean & African immigrant Access to the gains of African Americans are part of what our ancestors fought for (See OP).
  • My panafricanist(for lack of a better term) politics outweigh verbal slights from random people (in)external to my ethnic/racial group. I put c00ning Africans, Caribbeans, etc. in the same bucket as a Jessie lee Peterson, David Clarke, Larry Elder, etc ...and keep it moving(perfect examples being "Allen west" & "Mia love" during Obama's term). (Those kind of people exist independent of any ethnic/racial context)
  • [5th bullet point] If I need to be distinct in who gets finite/monetary reparations then I'd just be specific in definition and say "any African American who has at least one parent that received U.S. reparations or at least one parent who's birth certificate is listed as AA/BLK/Negro and can continually trace that lineage in such manor down to at least one such individual on the 1870 census Is due U.S. reparations" I don't need tone & carnells "ethnic" definition that doesn't even weed out almost 7 million whites who are technically/genetically "descendants of slaves"

Here’s where "white" Americans have the highest percentage of African ancestry


"Consistent with previous anecdotal results,32 the frequency of European American individuals who carry African ancestry varies strongly by state and region of the US (Figure 3A). We estimate that a substantial fraction, at least 1.4%, of self-reported European Americans in the US carry at least 2% African ancestry. Using a less conservative threshold, approximately 3.5% of European Americans have 1% or more African ancestry (Figure S8). Individuals with African ancestry are found at much higher frequencies in states in the South than in other parts of the US: about 5% of self-reported European Americans living in South Carolina and Louisiana have at least 2% African ancestry. Lowering the threshold to at least 1% African ancestry (potentially arising from one African genealogical ancestor within the last 11 generations), European Americans with African ancestry comprise as much as 12% of European Americans from Louisiana and South Carolina and about 1 in 10 individuals in other parts of the South (Figure S8)."

Bryc, Katarzyna et al. “The genetic ancestry of African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans across the United States.” American journal of human genetics vol. 96,1 (2015): 37-53. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.11.010

Being from the south I know what it looks like to live in a jurisdiction where the mayor, judges, police chief, precinct captains, .....road crew, garbage men, etc etc. are African Americans. I'm not worried about the police, court system, ....Mexicans, etc. in the same way as someone like tone living out in Cali. My base assumptions about African America are distinct from his embattled outlook.

Generic Example:
Black conservative republicans will tell you stuff like the democratic party is bad for black people and we need to do for self while checking our own dysfunction etc. etc. Ok, i'll bite. Thing is I can get that do for self outlook from garden variety black nationalist. Not only that but I can also get gang interventions, mentorship programs, prison visitation / recidivism programs, etc. So what does that leave to distinguish black conservative republicans from any other politic available to African Americans? The only thing that distinguishes them is their inability to call out external white supremacist enemies to African Americans(even if only to say who to ignore).

Concrete Example:
Likewise for all the positions that tone & carnell(and tangentially Tariq) take the only thing that distinguish them from anything that already exist is...
  • Flag draping U.S. Assimilation over panafricanism(if not out right anti-panAfricanism)
  • Divisive Anti(African / diasporan) immigrant talk
  • Or
  • Selling out such multi generational work in service of so called policy & reparations when nether policy nor reparations requires such behavior as pre-existing advocacy shows.
Again, I add being from the south makes this far more glaring. Because of the shear number of African Americans down here; Generating representatives and policy here can be done on one hand then on the other hand someone else in the nation can simultaneously go to Africa and take up a mono rail contract in Nigeria, build hotels in Liberia & Ghana, Own & Operate a news website from south Africa & Nigeria, etc. all in the service of building personal and family wealth. (same as folks who come here from the continent / diaspora to take advantage of opportunities) all of these things occur concurrently; but if someone is from a place where they don't feel represented such as African Americans in Cali then I'm not surprised at their views. They just don't represent most African Americans, and to be clear most African Americans have no thoughts about any of this type of conversation one way or the other but that's another topic.

my gripe isn't really with any given individual(short of maybe Tone & Carnell) and even then I can separate the software from the computer so to speak. Likewise I can separate the ideology & talking points from the individual. This is why I say AssimilationistsDivisivesOrSellouts. I.E. I'm referring to ideas & actions not people per say ...unless those people are perpetrating those actions of course.

@ATownD19 @Robbie3000 @Mephistopheles @you're NOT "n!ggas" @Kenny West @Cereal_Bowl_Assassin @KENNY DA COOKER @Mowgli @??? @#PanAfricana @śïñe•qúå_nøn
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Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
:wtf: No, explain this

Absolutely - the ADOS movement simply started as a way of identifying and networking among ourselves as well as counter the ECONOMIC discrimination African Americans have faced from not only whites but immigrants over the past 50 or so years.

reparations is a huge part of the political aspect of the movement, but the overall mission is for us to recognize, network, and build among ourselves.

if you look on the home page, the word reparations doesn't appear once:
About ADOS – #ADOS