Woman pretends to be man on dating app...

May 7, 2012
Her conversation skills are dry as fukk.
"How are you?"
Let’s be honest, if you’re truly digging a person, “hello, how are you” is an adequate opening.

Part of the problem is people get bored and swipe right on folks they’re really not that interested in. So those lack of responses often just means they’re not really feeling you like that. Coming up with a better opener would help get some of them to respond (a staggeringly high amount still wouldn’t respond) but even if they respond, in all likelihood the convo will fizzle out shortly thereafter cuz who can keep up a convo with some semi-interested person who replies every 12-72 hours?

The biggest culprits for the app dating woes are the apps themselves. Dude in the video touched on the algorithm a little bit, but at every turn they choose money over matching you. Their algorithms sophisticated enough to do a much better job at putting more compatible potential matches in your deck, but they only put a few, hoping you pay for a “premium” service improve the experience. Conversely, they also don’t put you in the decks of all of your most compatible matches unless one or both of you pay.

And to top it off, Tinder is racist as fukk. No matter where I am in the country, their “Top Picks” are lilly whites girls I have no interest in.


Oct 26, 2014
This is also why you don't see guy friends say "hey, don't worry bro, your handsome, you'll find that girl that'll like you".

It's easy for women to to say that type of stuff because deep down they know that there are a lot of men that are willing to fukk them and even spend money on them - and Tinder proves it. So that alone is validation and proof. Most women's problems is that they can't find a guy that they actually like as their first option. But they have plenty of backup options.

I can't give that advice to my guy friends because we don't get that social proof though, unless you are exceptional in some way (very tall, muscular, rich, etc).

Obreh Winfrey

Truly Brehthtaking
Nov 18, 2016
No matter where I am in the country, their “Top Picks” are lilly whites girls I have no interest in.
Well then you better put your big boy pants on and start PAWGing


Dec 25, 2014
Let’s be honest, if you’re truly digging a person, “hello, how are you” is an adequate opening.

Part of the problem is people get bored and swipe right on folks they’re really not that interested in. So those lack of responses often just means they’re not really feeling you like that. Coming up with a better opener would help get some of them to respond (a staggeringly high amount still wouldn’t respond) but even if they respond, in all likelihood the convo will fizzle out shortly thereafter cuz who can keep up a convo with some semi-interested person who replies every 12-72 hours?

The biggest culprits for the app dating woes are the apps themselves. Dude in the video touched on the algorithm a little bit, but at every turn they choose money over matching you. Their algorithms sophisticated enough to do a much better job at putting more compatible potential matches in your deck, but they only put a few, hoping you pay for a “premium” service improve the experience. Conversely, they also don’t put you in the decks of all of your most compatible matches unless one or both of you pay.

And to top it off, Tinder is racist as fukk. No matter where I am in the country, their “Top Picks” are lilly whites girls I have no interest in.

Absolutely agree.

A stack of women are just looking for light chit chat and nothing else, happy to lead a guy on for weeks before telling him she's not into him or just stop answering when he asks for an actual date.

I try and make a date asap if I feel the convo is going well. If a woman makes excuses as to why she can't meet. Then its the bushes. As what else do we have to discuss?

I need chemistry with whomever I'm messing with, and you can't get that over text or even in a video chat with someone you haven't seen face to face.

Women think I'm joking when I say I'm fussy on who I swipe on these apps. A lot of chicks no matter how good they look are just flat out boring. Not even worth my effort to try and fukk. In the past I've tolerated airhead women who were semi interested, just so I could fukk. Only to end up having that MOC after I've finished with them.

As for the top picks. Its strange as you're right its all a certain type of woman. Usually white, blonde and thin. tbh looking at them, these chicks all give me sugar baby vibes.


That nikka
May 28, 2012
Tampa Florida
"Depressed".... I always wonder how folks living here would fare living in a third world country for a couple months ...

shyt, forced to live in certain communities right here!
