Working people across the country are living in their cars

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Shroom gummies, liquor and destiny
May 24, 2022
800 a month for car+insurance and u broke :russ:

Who told u to sign your finances away for a damn vehicle? 800 gets you a brand new mountain bike that can do 40ph uphill in the rain. No insurance required. Get a job close by where u live. Take lyft/uber/bus when the weather isn't ideal. Stack that 800 a month into your savings and watch it grow. In 5 years that's 50k+ to work with.

I've lived it, if u live in a mild climate and u broke it's your own damn fault. Bad financial decisions. Jacked up attitudes and a super inflated ego leading to an inability to keep a job. Stupidity. Just plain stupidity. This is what leads a lot of losers to becoming broke worthless adults, and still, so many do not look at themselves.

Yeah I said it. If u an adult over the age of 30 living in your car in America u stupid. Plain and simple. U r an imbecile and should be ashamed of yourself :yes:
The majority of people sadly are basically imbeciles. Thats nothing to be ashamed of though, as long as they dont impose their stupidity on society.

Its the elite exploiting the imbecile majority that should be ashamed. And folks uplifting themselves at their expense.

Besides, its levels to this whole imbecile thing. Some of the so called most wealthy well to do people are completely void of social intelligence/street smarts. That is when the script is often flipped when the "imbeciles" get a turn to do the exploiting when they scam these social buffoons. Only difference is the elite are the ones the law works for in this country, so unlike the elite, the poor are actually held accountable for their scumbaggery.

Its a shame cause if we all just pitched in and did our equal parts, society could be a utopia. If only the majority of people ranging all income brackets werent so got damned terrified of paying an honest buck earned by an honest day's work.


Jun 11, 2012
800 a month for car+insurance and u broke :russ:

Who told u to sign your finances away for a damn vehicle? 800 gets you a brand new mountain bike that can do 40ph uphill in the rain. No insurance required. Get a job close by where u live. Take lyft/uber/bus when the weather isn't ideal. Stack that 800 a month into your savings and watch it grow. In 5 years that's 50k+ to work with.

I've lived it, if u live in a mild climate and u broke it's your own damn fault. Bad financial decisions. Jacked up attitudes and a super inflated ego leading to an inability to keep a job. Stupidity. Just plain stupidity. This is what leads a lot of losers to becoming broke worthless adults, and still, so many do not look at themselves.

Yeah I said it. If u an adult over the age of 30 living in your car in America u stupid. Plain and simple. U r an imbecile and should be ashamed of yourself :yes:

Shut the fukk up. You sound stupid speaking about shyt you dont know of. Theres a lot of price gouging going on thats not being checked. Theyre using the plandemic as an excuse. Just like theres a lot of folks that stole the ppp loan that arent locked up.
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Oct 22, 2017
800 a month for car+insurance and u broke :russ:

Who told u to sign your finances away for a damn vehicle? 800 gets you a brand new mountain bike that can do 40ph uphill in the rain. No insurance required. Get a job close by where u live. Take lyft/uber/bus when the weather isn't ideal. Stack that 800 a month into your savings and watch it grow. In 5 years that's 50k+ to work with.

I've lived it, if u live in a mild climate and u broke it's your own damn fault. Bad financial decisions. Jacked up attitudes and a super inflated ego leading to an inability to keep a job. Stupidity. Just plain stupidity. This is what leads a lot of losers to becoming broke worthless adults, and still, so many do not look at themselves.

Yeah I said it. If u an adult over the age of 30 living in your car in America u stupid. Plain and simple. U r an imbecile and should be ashamed of yourself :yes:

negged for this booker t babble.



Power is in my hair nikka
May 1, 2012
From The Westside With Love
I've known quite a few people who lived in their car while working just cause the amount of money you need to put down for an apartment... that shyt is just not feasible for a lot of people to come up with while still paying rent.

For some of them, it's this weird fantasy/hobby to live in a van and see just how little money they can live off of.



Jun 11, 2012
This isn't something that just started 3 years ago.

Yeah, i know and well aware of that. I already stated the group amongst the public thats responsible for the cost of living creeping up.

However, his response to the situation with the rent freeze/relief says it all, giving away our money to help people from other countries like ukraine, israel, afganistan and etc especially now that its out that him and his family are involved in a worldwide peddling influence ring, lining up his pockets and his family members up says it all. To me, dude literally is saying i fukked and am fukking over america. Even worse, the mainstream media and some of these tools are trying to paint mr biden as something he never was and isnt. They like him are blatantly lying and joe biden is a terrible liar. Dude is one of the most disingenious people ive seen. You can see hes up to no good and that can not be overlooked. Dude has the hitler energy. Just keeping it a buck.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
but lets send billions of dollars to wars in israel and the ukraine :snoop:

People and this talking point. :beli:

foreign aid is not charitable acts. They will pay for it. People with no money who are homeless won't. America is conducting business abroad not charity. Why do people keep thinking this is a valid comparison like they are just gifting money over there nope.

Hypothetically they give trillions in aid to Americans via stimulus and there would be charge back via tax and more inflation of currency. People would complain again... The government wouldn't just take the hit. They not taking the hit on foreign aid.
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Jun 11, 2012
But speaking living in cars, i stumbled across this the other day and had to raise the red flag almost immediately

When i saw this, i was like "they most definitely tricking these gen z's or middle class folks into becoming homeless". Like these publication for some reason are pushing bullshyt articles like this selling a lie. Even reading this shyt is a headache. Shes basically quit her job after losing her mom and brother, quit her job, chose to fix up her camry and basically is "selling content" to get by. She basically lives in south florida. They had another article from the same site promoting some young lady who was bragging about being a sugar baby.

Now this is the reality of that lifestyle shes pushing

They dont mention this part. Dont let these people play with your mind and trick you into ruining your life. They are actively doing so. Why would they post bullshyt like that, elevating people who want to be bums
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