Y'all ever have a dream involving the Coli

The True HD

Oct 13, 2014
Ft. Loudy
Backstory: I rarely dream cause I smoke weed daily, however whenever I stop smoking for a day or two I start back dreaming again n be having crazy vivid ass dreams

I had a whole dream today about being at a Future concert n for whatever reason I was up close booing the nikka, to the point where he damn near pulled a Drake looking around for who was booing....

Fast forward to the next scene in my dream n I'm being told Future management is out to get me for the shyt I been talkin about Future, so I'm moving n grooving n finally these nikkas catch up to me....

So they like what's good you been talkin shyt about Future, slandering his name, yadayadada n I'm hittin em with the :whoa: like guy's there must be some misunderstanding

So a Coach K looking nikka who must've been his "manager" was like nah it's you, come here come look

So I go over by him, the group is still on 10 ready to pop off, I'm like I ain't got no strap n they ease up a bit...

So breh is showin me his phone n he pulls up the Coli :dead: I can't make this up the nikka had 63 notifications next to his username that was like ** >insert username here< ** :mjlol: (I had to check when I came on to make sure this wasn't an actual poster)

So he scrollin looking for the post n I'm like, breh you on the Coli? :ohhh: I prolly be dappin your posts all the time! :russ:
Forgot what happened after that but the shyt was weird, think I need a detox :patrice:

Duke Dixon

Aug 12, 2017
I just woke up from one. It was one of those dreams in a dream.

I don't know what made me think of it but I was going to make a thread on thecoli called Why Do White People Hate Magic Johnson?

In my post I was going to say, even if I don't believe this: I think its more than just him becoming a well known business man. I think its because the Showtime Lakers were so flashy and beat white people's basketball Jesus, Larry Bird, twice in the finals. After that the percentage of white people in the NBA went down and white people blame Magic Johnson for ruining the integrity of the game.

Then I was going to include a photo of Magic Johnson coming to my church's picnic when I was a kid. I was also going to say that he was a nice guy even if the kids kept bothering him.

I woke up from my dream and I get my phone so that I can make a thread about what I dreamt and see if anyone else has felt the same way. I go onto thecoli and see that I have a lot of notifications and I already made the topic Why Do White People Hate Magic Johnson? Everything was there, his businesses, the Showtime Lakers, and the photo that proved I met Magic Johnson.

I was surprised that I wrote everything out and was able to find the photo. I even blurred out the faces of the people in the photo that wasn't Magic Johnson. I don't even know how to blur people's faces and I don't have Photoshop on my computer. I'm feeling like :youngsabo: I did a good job and I don't even remember doing any of the work. The photo was of Magic Johnson coming out of one of those big white Gazebo Tents and there were rows of people sitting at tables with white table cloth. I zoomed in on the photo with my phone and I see Magic Johnson holding a big paper plate of BBQ like this

I laughed to myself like damn Magic was killing it at the picnic:pachaha: Then I stop laughing, take a pause:dame: and look at his face.

It wasn't Magic Johnson, it was Charles Barkley:snoop:


I spent all this time editing and talking about the time I met Magic Johnson and it was Charles Barkley the whole time. I was like they don't even look a like I know I'm going to get :dead: in the replies. Before I scrolled down to see what the first person wrote I woke up laughing:russ:

Blessed Koala

Climbing the Pulpit
Jan 2, 2017
You gotta be a certified weirdo to dream about this place :hubie:

I probably had one dream about The Coli and it was a nightmare. Folks were running a negtrain on me for some random goofy post I did. I look at the post like :dahell:"This is just a typical shyt post" but the negs kept coming. I woke up out of my tree in cold sweats and shyt.

Wife had to calm me down like "what's wrong"

Koala: "I had a nightmare that the Coli brehs negged me to the red:mjcry:"

Mrs Koala: :unimpressed: