you can't be a feminist and then believe men should pay for the dates...

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
if these bytches could get dates they wouldn't be bitter feminists in the first place



Sep 2, 2014
:yeshrug:Best things in life are free. If a day of skating on the lakefront or watching Alfred Hitchcock films are enough, then breaking bread after shouldn't
be an issue. Never before.:mjcry: Defense mechanism :banderas:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
:why: Shut the fukk up

ignore him, he's Toure Don Lemon ass nikka

I had to log out to see who yall was talking about :mjlol:

That African simps so hard I really had to put him on ignore :wow:

Its fukkin superbowl sunday, and instead of enjoying yourselves and turning up you "maninists" are here crying as usual about how mean women are to you, and bellyaching about having 99 problems and bytches are all of them. Go ahead and put me on ignore like you put real life and some goddamn common sense on ignore, and how them hoes be putting you on ignore in the streets. Fukkin lonely ass You niccas are annoying as shyt.


Thunderbolt Them Suckers
Oct 13, 2012
I honestly can't understand this new age world. If I'm ever out on a date with a female I always pay and I don't mind. I find it emasculating as fukk when someone else pays for my shyt. It's insulting.

I also live within my means. I'm not going to some 5-star restaurant that I can't afford.

Its fukkin superbowl sunday, and instead of enjoying yourselves and turning up you "maninists" are here crying as usual about how mean women are to you, and bellyaching about having 99 problems and bytches are all of them. Go ahead and put me on ignore like you put real life and some goddamn common sense on ignore, and how them hoes be putting you on ignore in the streets. Fukkin lonely ass

I've been reading some of your posts on here. You seem way too smart to be hanging out on thecoli. What's your story?


RIP Fresh RIP Doe RIP Phat
Jul 12, 2013
Its fukkin superbowl sunday, and instead of enjoying yourselves and turning up you "maninists" are here crying as usual about how mean women are to you, and bellyaching about having 99 problems and bytches are all of them. Go ahead and put me on ignore like you put real life and some goddamn common sense on ignore, and how them hoes be putting you on ignore in the streets. Fukkin lonely ass You niccas are annoying as shyt.
fakkit Simp ass Don Lemon ass nikka disappeared after I exposed him for what he is

Internet gave you a barrier where you brave enough to interact with other blacks, cause you obviously don't in real life.

:mjlol: "turn up for superbowl sunday" keep exposing yourself dweeb
Last edited:


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Disclaimer: I didn't write this...


Monday, July 23, 2007

A Fool's Paradise

Again and again, I have been saying that feminism is not the problem. It is a problem but it is a tentacle, not the octopus. MRAs, mostly the older ones, attack feminism because it is so visible and aligns perfectly to political held views (feminism is political while most of the matriarchy is not). There is a lace curtain between the sexes that divide our two worlds. Men and women do not see each other's worlds.

What is Woman's World? It is paradise. If you were on a tropical island, would you not just enjoy life? You would not read philosophy. You would not take life seriously. You would let your brain rot and take in the pleasures of the body. You would sleep with a island native here or there and think nothing of it. You would wear silly costumes, stay out late at night all the time, drink, maybe even wear tatoos.

Women appear so damn dumb to men because they are in paradise. Married women especially so. This is why American Women tend to have two emotions: giddiness or stern contempt. Stern contempt occurs only when something interferes with Paradise such as a rainstorm. Women who are forced to work are unhappy because they feel they are being denied Paradise. Unmarried women or ugly women (is there a difference?) begin to hate men because they believe they are denying them Paradise.

When a sex looks at the lace curtain, it appears as a mirror. They project themselves onto the other sex. Women believe men are also in this paradise. If you are studying on your own, or do not go out every night to "party" or "play", they will be confused and think something is wrong with you.

When men talk about how unhappy they are in their marriages, women become extremely uncomfortable as if ice water is chilling their spine. They thought the opposite! They thought men WERE HAPPY and that they, the woman, were bestowing joy inside the guy! No one wants to see a monster in the mirror so they say there is something wrong with the guys who complain about women.

Feminists are, no doubt, unhappy women. What is feminism but just a way for ugly women to have access to society? When a woman is unhappy, she feels she is being denied Paradise. She already beleives men are in Paradise (along with her female friends). All the frustrations she feels in life (denials of Paradise she will interpret) will be seen as being caused by the MAN. So men become the enemy even though he is actually the creator of her paradise. So feminists go on a cycle of more and more misery. They charged through the lace curtain demanding to enter Men's World for he has their Paradise which SHE feels she is entitled to. She wants the status and wealth that male work has without doing any of the work.

Men who attack feminists all day see them charging into their world and begin attacking them (only because they have become visible in their world). These guys still haven't a clue and are nothing more than reactionists.

I will offer a scale of perception for men and women.


Feminists (Very Stupid)- Believes men are the destroyers of Earthly Paradise and attack men to 'restore' it. Feminists are very stupid because they are attacking the ones who created paradise. Smart women join men in attacking feminists because feminists are a threat to THEIR paradise (of men working for women). Feminists believe if they expel the men, they can create a lesbian relationship which, since it does not involve men, will create paradise.

Slut (Stupid)- Sluts are women who act as if they are in Paradise and that is never going to change. They sleep with whoever, get drunk, and just waste their lives away. They might wisen up or they might become even stupider (and become a feminist).

Career Woman (Dumb)- Career women correlate to sluts and feminists quite well. But career women work because they lack the perception of how to manipulate men. If they did, they would not work. Many Career Women smarten up, find a sucker, and then 'retire' after a baby.

Wife (Norm)- By marrying, a woman now has a servant. She may still work but that will be seen as temporary until he is making enough money (where she will 'retire' for 'love'). Normal women want to get married. Wife also includes mistresses.

Manipulator (Clever)- While all women manipulate, this woman lives for nothing else but to manipulate. She dresses, talks, and basically lives a lie. Whether it be a promotion or something else, she uses manipulation as a science. But she is not really smart, only clever. Her perception is at the level where she knows she can manipulate but she doesn't fully understand how to get men TRULY enslaved.

Traditional (Smart)- Women remain virgins because it allows them to obtain a better husband. Also, it prevents them from becoming single moms which is smart. Religious women are not actually religious but use religion to manipulate the men. How often do you see her reading from the Bible or any serious work? She will do 'volunteer work' to make her FEEL all good but it is nothing more than a feeling.

Housewife (Smartest)- Women have effectively retired to live in a stress free suburban house, surrounded by modern technology (so she rarely has to do chores), and spend the time doing whatever she desires. Many women, such as feminists, attack the housewife but that often results from envy.


Mangina (very stupid)- This guy will be spewing out feminist lines and propoganda. He has no idea how stupid he is. But, like all stupid people, he feels he is very smart. The smartest people are those that feel they know nothing. Manginas are often gay men and metrosexuals. Political Class men are often Manginas. Manginas are easily manipulated which is why they dominate the Political Class (they make good puppets).

Thug (stupid)- Thugs often end up in prison or something else. Women like thugs because they can be manipulated (and they have no guilt for doing so since thugs are worthless). Remember, even Manginas can get girls (but what does that say?).

Nice Guy (norm)- Contrary to what Mirror of the Soul said, it is important to use the 'Nice Guy', etc. terms because it not an illustraion of an action but a label for a certain level of perception. When someone says, "When I was a Nice Guy..." he is referring to a lower perception level, not in the manner he was acting. Most guys are Nice Guys. They believe in Love and will work furiously hard to 'earn' a woman's love. Nice Guys are frustrated because they do not understand women (and admit this). They see women go for thugs or jerks and think, "What in the world!" The purpose of Thugs and Players to women is to be Instant Dildos. The purpose of Nice Guys is to be Instant Husband. Like Instant Rice, Nice Guy is an Instant Husband that a woman can fall back on (HOPEFULLY).

Player (clever)- Just like every level in this perception list, the player believes he is the smartest of all his peers. He is not. He is only clever. There is actually very little difference between the Nice Guy and Player. The Nice Guy is addicted to sex and female praise like water in a desert. Nice Guy resorts to 'niceness' as a type of withdrawl symptom. But players are addicted to sex and female praise and seek it out in the highest dosage possible. The difference between the Nice Guy and Player is the difference between the poor crack addict and the rich crack addict.

Jerk (smart)- Jerks are quite smart. Their perception is above the usual female addiction typical of lower perceptions. They are called jerks by women because the jerk cannot be manipulated. Players actually create their 'strategies' by studying jerks. Do not confuse a thug with a jerk however. While thugs don't care about female addiction, they don't care about anything else either. Jerks are often successful in the world of business.

Loser (smartest)- The Loser is someone who disregards "The Way". The difference between a Loser and Jerk is that the Jerk is a guy who cannot be manipulated. But a loser is someone who abandons "The Way" altogether. Bill Gates is a loser for he quit Harvard. Steve Jobs was a loser too as he failed college. Michael Dell is a loser as he quit school. It takes enormous strength to not just stop being manipulated but go AGAINST the current, against "The Way" that flows and propels all the Nice Guys to their fish cages. If the Loser keeps pushing upstream, eventually he slips out to the open ocean to true freedom (I know upstream doesn't lead to the ocean but I like this metaphor so shhh!). Losers are named so by women. If a guy wants to live with a foreign woman, he is called a loser. If a guy wants to not work himself to death and achieve financial freedom, he is called a loser. Losers are smart because they have mastered their emotions, their finances, and their bodies to keep all of them in good shape.

Following YOUR dreams = Loser

Following HER dreams = Winner

If this is the case, I would choose loser every time.


Oct 29, 2012
It's kind of as silly as the logic that allows you to be upset with one system of oppression (white supremacy), but totally ok with another (sexism).
Could you expand on this a little? Thanks in advance.


Sep 5, 2013
Its fukkin superbowl sunday, and instead of enjoying yourselves and turning up you "maninists" are here crying as usual about how mean women are to you, and bellyaching about having 99 problems and bytches are all of them. Go ahead and put me on ignore like you put real life and some goddamn common sense on ignore, and how them hoes be putting you on ignore in the streets. Fukkin lonely ass You niccas are annoying as shyt.
:ohhh:but nikka you posting to


Jul 17, 2012
Because your "logic" doesnt make any sense. For one you niccas continually use "feminists" and women interchangeably. You sound like dumb ass white people who think all blacks think and act alike, and anything one black person does or says (always negative) means the same for all. Many feminists would agree with you on the idea that men shouldnt have to pay for everything, given how the movement was centered on independence from having to rely on men to provide financially, and the desire to have their own lives and money, and being considered only good for living underneath a man.

But if you ask someone out on a romantic date, you should treat that person. That only seems "logical". If a woman asked you out on a date, she should have no problem paying for it. If you're not a weakling and a doormat, then you wont have to come up out your pockets every time you go out, because she will want to be around you. She will show her appreciation by treating you and/or financially contributing to your outings.
no sir you're dumb

I never said all women are feminist nor did I insinuate it

and yes, all feminist believe the genders should be equal, that's the foundation of feminism

not all feminist believe men should pay, but a lot I have met do.

you're assuming the man is the one doing the asking.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
Feminists are, no doubt, unhappy women. What is feminism but just a way for ugly women to have access to society? When a woman is unhappy, she feels she is being denied Paradise. She already beleives men are in Paradise (along with her female friends). All the frustrations she feels in life (denials of Paradise she will interpret) will be seen as being caused by the MAN. So men become the enemy even though he is actually the creator of her paradise. So feminists go on a cycle of more and more misery. They charged through the lace curtain demanding to enter Men's World for he has their Paradise which SHE feels she is entitled to. She wants the status and wealth that male work has without doing any of the work.



Jul 17, 2012
I honestly can't understand this new age world. If I'm ever out on a date with a female I always pay and I don't mind. I find it emasculating as fukk when someone else pays for my shyt. It's insulting.

I also live within my means. I'm not going to some 5-star restaurant that I can't afford.

I've been reading some of your posts on here. You seem way too smart to be hanging out on thecoli. What's your story?
I didn't say the women should pay for you, she could pay for herself n you pay for yourself.