You're in charge of implementing a New New Deal, what's your high level focus points?

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Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
You, President _______ have just been elected with a large mandate, and your party controls the Hill.

The plan is a New New Deal and the dollar figure is somewhere just over 1.5 Trillion Dollars.

What are you focusing on and getting done?


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Jobs. I'm rebuilding infrastructure(bridges, roads, streetlights etc) throughout the US, Installing more solar panels, settings up committees and programs to clean up the highways and parks in order rid them of liter and non artistic graffiti.

Oh and also taxing the hell out of the banks and rich like FDR did :sas2:


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
You, President _______ have just been elected with a large mandate, and your party controls the Hill.
The plan is a New New Deal and the dollar figure is somewhere just over 1.5 Trillion Dollars.
What are you focusing on and getting done?
1. Change the personal income tax back to a flat rate. Everyone gets taxed at the same percentage with no loopholes. no standardized or itemized deductions. This makes it fair for everyone. The rich get no loopholes to find. The middle class don't get set back when they go up a tax bracket compared to the graduated income tax system.
2. Implement more stringent campaign finance reform.
3. Implement a new IT department. This group would be responsible for providing IT services and development for all government agencies. It will increase the number of federal jobs and decrease expenses by agencies. The main push for this is to stop funding federal contractors. That is costing the US government millions of dollars to outsource work. A lot of military personnel retire and get hired by private contractors and get paid more to do the same thing. Does that make sense from the government's point of view? The other thing would be to stop offering IT contracts to private contractors. This doesn't force individuals to remain with the military but is an incentive to stay. This is about cutting expenses long-term.
4. Stop funding military contractors like Kellogg Brown Root to do non-military work during war time. Contracting work out costs more money than if you could do it on your own. It would save money too. This would be an opportunity to provide more federal jobs to the unemployed at a cost that is lower than KBR and other contractors. This is about cutting expenses long-term.
5. Stop funding new military R&D projects. These projects cost millions of dollars. Right now, the US is a military super-power where most of our enemies are low-tech or no-tech. I would shelve these projects to save money. In the future, maybe some of the projects can be restarted. This is about cutting expense short-term.
6. Create federal aqueducts. This would be a network of water pipes to bring desalinated water from the ocean inland. Water is becoming a scarce commodity and can wipe out towns and cities when local water supplies are exhausted. Its projected that Las Vegas will have no water in two decades from now. This creates jobs to build the desalinations plants and install pipes. If you have drought conditions like the Dust Bowl of the early 1900s, then a community of farmers become impoverished. Cost of food goes up everywhere. Long term, it helps all citizens.
7. Implement rules to build federal highways using modern materials. In Europe, they put this elastic material in their asphalt so the roads don't crack and break up when the weather condition changes. This prevents pot holes, decreases the need to fix roads, and improves quality of life and the environment because you have less traffic jams because of road construction.
8. Divide the country into twelve sections, or districts. Create a violent game of survival where two individuals from each district would compete to win. At the end, I would congratulate the winner of the Hunger Games.

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
1. Change the personal income tax back to a flat rate. Everyone gets taxed at the same percentage with no loopholes. no standardized or itemized deductions. This makes it fair for everyone. The rich get no loopholes to find. The middle class don't get set back when they go up a tax bracket compared to the graduated income tax system.
2. Implement more stringent campaign finance reform.
3. Implement a new IT department. This group would be responsible for providing IT services and development for all government agencies. It will increase the number of federal jobs and decrease expenses by agencies. The main push for this is to stop funding federal contractors. That is costing the US government millions of dollars to outsource work. A lot of military personnel retire and get hired by private contractors and get paid more to do the same thing. Does that make sense from the government's point of view? The other thing would be to stop offering IT contracts to private contractors. This doesn't force individuals to remain with the military but is an incentive to stay. This is about cutting expenses long-term.
4. Stop funding military contractors like Kellogg Brown Root to do non-military work during war time. Contracting work out costs more money than if you could do it on your own. It would save money too. This would be an opportunity to provide more federal jobs to the unemployed at a cost that is lower than KBR and other contractors. This is about cutting expenses long-term.
5. Stop funding new military R&D projects. These projects cost millions of dollars. Right now, the US is a military super-power where most of our enemies are low-tech or no-tech. I would shelve these projects to save money. In the future, maybe some of the projects can be restarted. This is about cutting expense short-term.
6. Create federal aqueducts. This would be a network of water pipes to bring desalinated water from the ocean inland. Water is becoming a scarce commodity and can wipe out towns and cities when local water supplies are exhausted. Its projected that Las Vegas will have no water in two decades from now. This creates jobs to build the desalinations plants and install pipes. If you have drought conditions like the Dust Bowl of the early 1900s, then a community of farmers become impoverished. Cost of food goes up everywhere. Long term, it helps all citizens.
7. Implement rules to build federal highways using modern materials. In Europe, they put this elastic material in their asphalt so the roads don't crack and break up when the weather condition changes. This prevents pot holes, decreases the need to fix roads, and improves quality of life and the environment because you have less traffic jams because of road construction.
8. Divide the country into twelve sections, or districts. Create a violent game of survival where two individuals from each district would compete to win. At the end, I would congratulate the winner of the Hunger Games.

I like option 8 but instead of violence it should be throwing darts.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Jobs. I'm rebuilding infrastructure(bridges, roads, streetlights etc) throughout the US, Installing more solar panels, settings up committees and programs to clean up the highways and parks in order rid them of liter and non artistic graffiti.

Thats great and all but a lot of that work is a scam as it is. Most of our roads etc are already pretty good right now and we are borderline spoiled with having the smoothest pavements possible at all times. Im fukkin sick and tired of construction workers holding up traffic during the afternoon for almost no reason.

Solar panels are a good look..Id be about that. Same with wind power.

  • Alternate forms of energy to wean us off oil as much as possible so we can sell more of our oil reserves to bring in revenue instead of keeping them for our own consumption as much later on.
  • Id challenge monopolies like Teddy and focus on the electrical companies. Then Id offer massive grants or favorable loans for start-up companies going for electric cars and install more chargers throughout the nation to make it more feasible which would lead to more electric car and hybrid purchases which would further take us away from oil.
  • I would lower corporate tax and close the loopholes that allow many big corporations to have off-shore faux HQ's to evade taxes. Grant money would help keep the incentive for them to stay in the US and would scale it in regards to opening jobs for Americans.
  • I would legalize marijuana completely and collect tax revenue on it. Id also legalize completely online gambling and get revenue from that as well
  • Lower personal income tax across the board and put a cap on property tax to encourage house purchases.
  • Increase Financial Transaction Taxes on stock trading to bring in massive revenue and curb speculation.
  • Pass law to keep the Internet as it is.
  • Make social security completely optional and allow an earlier opt out.
  • Decrease pensions on federal and state employees.
  • Completely open up business with Cuba.
  • Provide substantially more money to schools in poor/high crime areas and make sure a good portion of it goes to teacher salary to encourage better teachers to go there and stay there. In terms of pensions..Id reverse scale it so teachers with lower salary get higher pensions to further encourage them to stay.
  • Get rid of the electoral college and go popular vote only.
  • Have the Attorney General challenge corporations as people decision.
  • Highly tax mergers (and loosen the measures that determine monopolies) and business acquisitions unless the lesser business is in debt.
  • Start elementary, middle school and high school classes an hour/90 minutes/2 hours later in the morning to encourage better learning.
  • Bring Monsanto under fire and try and crush them and dramatically increase funding for local farmers. Itd trickle down into more local jobs and healthier food at cheaper prices.
  • Press charges on dikk Cheney and Karl Rove and hold them in contempt if they dont show and arrest them.
  • De-classify all non military documents.
  • Allow local/state more freedom to determine curriculum but then allow more freedom for kids to go to school elsewhere if they so choose if the parents do not agree with said curriculum.
  • Encourage the growth of community colleges. Itd end up lowering student debt in the future since those with Associate's spend less time getting their Bachelors with credit transfer and theyd likely be working as they go to community college which would allow them to take smaller loans.
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plata or plomo
Oct 27, 2012
Jobs. I'm rebuilding infrastructure(bridges, roads, streetlights etc) throughout the US, Installing more solar panels, settings up committees and programs to clean up the highways and parks in order rid them of liter and non artistic graffiti.
"We want some of our pet projects included into this deal or it doesn't go through" :birdman:


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
1. Graduated income tax with a peak of 31% on the rich. The only deductions would be for charitable contributions.
2. Rebuild our infrastructure from one coast to another. This would create thousands of jobs
3. Revamp education completely.
4. Press for more renewable energy sources.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
arm the proletariate

kill 60% of the population

let the the south and mid west be used exclusively for farming and let much of the country return to a natural state.

modernize cities, and transportation core infrastructure

increase funding for science and medical research

create a new judicial system

generally anything is doable after killing 60% of the population



All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
arm the proletariate

kill 60% of the population

let the the south and mid west be used exclusively for farming and let much of the country return to a natural state.

modernize cities, and transportation core infrastructure

increase funding for science and medical research

create a new judicial system

generally anything is doable after killing 60% of the population

lol @ your system hinging on the murder of more than half the population.