Zimbabwe Hyperinflation: Round #2


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Well sadly, here we go again. In this case it isn't driven by printing money but rather it seems the currency basket (primarily USD) peg the government went to is collapsing and banks are rationing dollars. Sad to see the country in this situation. ZANU-PF should at least ditch Mugabe and get someone new. Simba Makoni?

Zimbabwe: Hyperinflation Threat Returns to Zimbabwe

@King Booker @Man @Northern Son @NinoBrown

By MacDonald Dzirutwe

Less than a decade after hyperinflation obliterated Zimbabwe's dollar along with its pensions and savings, the southern African nation is suffering a return to precipitous price rises.

Zimbabwe adopted the U.S. dollar in 2009, along with Britain's pound and the South African rand, to tame inflation that topped out at 500 billion percent.

But the relative financial stability of the last eight years has unravelled in the last two months as acute foreign exchange shortages have led to sharp price increases. Meanwhile money in banks is losing value fast.

The situation is still a far cry from 2008 when the central bank printed a Zimbabwe $100 trillion note.

But Steve Hanke, an economics professor at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, said in paper published this week that hyperinflation - defined as monthly inflation above 50 percent for at least 30 consecutive days - had returned.

Zimbabwe's real inflation rate, measured by purchasing power parity and taking into account its de facto exchange rate, was 313 percent a year and 112 percent on a monthly basis, said Hanke, who has written a book about the country's 2008 crisis.

King Booker

Aug 6, 2014
its a sad case bro.....its like no matter how much they try they just end up with the same old results. I dont reside in Zim my self for now , im based in SouthAfrica .However my parents are there, siblings, friends , extended family. Its very hard to know that they are going through this. The thing iv noticed however is zimbabweans are a bit used to the situation so that they find ways to make it work .

You will find out though that there are plenty zimbabweans living a very good life and to them these "tough" times are non existant. Some are having extravagant yatch parties for their birthdays, buying the latest range rovers , building houses, flaunting with stacks of USD on instagram etc you wonder wether people are living in the same country.

Some people are hustling and making it work (selling gold etc) ,because the industries are dead the "hustlers" are on top of the game whoever can do what they can do for themselves to get them ahead wether its bribe your way to a corporate tender, sell minerals illegally etc but some are doing it legit somehow sell some have gvt jobs and some how getting their salaries and are accessing the monies from the bank, some are genuine retailers of products and have positioned themselves to benefit during this time. @DrBanneker I know iv rambled but thinking about the situation back home is a bit depressing


Jan 7, 2013
its a sad case bro.....its like no matter how much they try they just end up with the same old results. I dont reside in Zim my self for now , im based in SouthAfrica .However my parents are there, siblings, friends , extended family. Its very hard to know that they are going through this. The thing iv noticed however is zimbabweans are a bit used to the situation so that they find ways to make it work .

You will find out though that there are plenty zimbabweans living a very good life and to them these "tough" times are non existant. Some are having extravagant yatch parties for their birthdays, buying the latest range rovers , building houses, flaunting with stacks of USD on instagram etc you wonder wether people are living in the same country.

Some people are hustling and making it work (selling gold etc) ,because the industries are dead the "hustlers" are on top of the game whoever can do what they can do for themselves to get them ahead wether its bribe your way to a corporate tender, sell minerals illegally etc but some are doing it legit somehow sell some have gvt jobs and some how getting their salaries and are accessing the monies from the bank, some are genuine retailers of products and have positioned themselves to benefit during this time. @DrBanneker I know iv rambled but thinking about the situation back home is a bit depressing

Y'all might need to start another Chimurenga breh
