Reputation profile of Blackking

Reputation profile of Blackking

Real spit
all good points
he doesn't understand...the oppression isn't a whip to his back so he's free...
Blackking, what's good man? You're right, Arica and black people worldwide lack unity it's depressing
You say peace while negging. fakkit hypocrite
Real shyt :wow: :mjcry: :why: :to: :yeshrug:
mods play favorites.
Hit the nail right on the head...
fukking idiot
Yeah, Chinese are every where breagh..> Even Jamaica.
pos rep
This is a troll thread but you make alot of good points :ehh:
real sh!t
Me and you alike breh.
:ehh: good exchange breh
Lol you an idiot
Seriously. know it all posting style is annoying