Reputation profile of Hubert Youngblood

Reputation profile of Hubert Youngblood

fukk boy troll.
Alt Reich
Great post
The attention you seek
stop clowning.
You walked from the East to the West Coast and all you had to do was ask for a Neg
back to *****, bytch
First they came for the nazis...
That kind of thought would be more profitable on Brietbart, InfoWars, DrudgeReport, you name it! The fukk outta here.
neg breh.
Why not post on your real account :jbhmmm:
Why not
Coli dont deal in lies and rumors. Give us facts or get negged. Simple rule to follow.
i don't really care if you cryyyyyy, on the real you shoulda never liiiiiied...
Here some nice vanilla NEG cream with a cherry on top