Reputation profile of Mike_Pipeson

Reputation profile of Mike_Pipeson

Ya granny
Stfu, maybe you’ll get “lucky” and suck hardens dikk at the club fakkit...
Trash ass Rockets fakkit lol
Blazers in 6 nikka
Fuk dat hoe Luck
You ended up with a -10 fakkit
All I said was he can pass better cause he can see now. Go fukk yoursef and your shyt city
hit me back bro
Bucks had already cut the deficit to 4 when Wade got hurt. They were gonna take the lead regardless, Wade really wasn't playing well.
hold this neg because the owner isn't going to come out and confirm shyt like this when a tweet alone already has people clowning him
Shut the fukk up
No..please don't get caught up in this dumb shyt.