Reputation profile of PhillyzFinest

Reputation profile of PhillyzFinest

Laid this out very well.
I agree
Filthy hyphenated c00n roach
Keep that same energy fakkit
youre an idiot
Stay up
Thank god you didn't go #GMB all the way breh. RUNN MY NIKKA RUNN!!!!
That post birth p*ssy strike is real breh. I hope it gets better for you my brother. DO whats best for you....even if that means a local "message"
You my nikka. I hate it had to be u.
Hang in there,breh
Appreciate your honesty breh...
Good bless you homie. Start putting some bread aside somewhere untouchable!
Here is some rep, breh. I'd give you more if I could.
Seriously, kick her the curb breh and get a better one.
Good insight breh. I thought married life was it.
ok ok