Reputation profile of ThiefyPoo

Reputation profile of ThiefyPoo

Ww don't need anymore trash in TLR thanks.
fukk dem bears
take this rep!
good looking out on this shyt, me and girl just binge watched season 1 and started season 2, grade A fukkery
May Gawdfather bless your seeds and they become fruitful
Eat homie
My nikka fighting that good fight lol
Repping cause I ended up sliding in the DM and smashing some thick bytch whose good form twerk video u posted a while back... thanks for the assist
You go to battle a lot,Thief. Good luck out there.
that's perfect.
Here poo
who are you?
The Calvary has arrived
Google what, "heritage" means you misinformed backwards American imbecile.