88m3 is a huge f-ggot

  1. the cac mamba

    Should the Democrats throw a hail mary in 2020 and run an ultra-liberal candidate?

    Contrary to popular belief (:skip:), i dont believe that Trump is gonna tank the country in the next 4 years. there are enough layers between him and the important decisions that are gonna prevent any major fukkups, and its probably gonna be business as usual. and even if he doesn't do well, his...
  2. the cac mamba

    Bill O'Reilly - Trump interview thread

    live at 4 :sas1: two of the biggest dikkheads in the country will grace the screen gotta say, im curious what hes gonna ask him :ehh: that killers shyt is a great quote and i gotta say, oreilly is keeping it consistent. interrupting trump the same way he did obama :skip: