attack of the clones

  1. ORDER_66

    Fat Fake Klay clone suited up for action caught but caught by security during warmups...:LMFAO::dead:

    For the first time in a long time, Warriors folk hero Fake Klay Thompson was spotted outside of Chase Center on Monday. A stalwart of the Warriors' 2015, 2017 and 2018 NBA title runs, Fake Klay — who is portrayed by YouTube prankster Dawson Gurley — has been a topic of conversation during...
  2. Bart simpson

    Why we got all these Coli Clone characters?!

    Ever since the @Barnett114 vs @Barnett113 thread Man let's talk about the clone user names I always mix up @O.T.I.S. and @Otis Kane Jr. I scroll too quick and just see Otis @Scott Steiner and @Scott_Steiner Add on...