
  1. C

    Struggle beard gang get in here.

    If any grown man here is struggling with a baby face or taco meat struggle beard, I highly recommend you purchase some minoxidil and start applying it regularly on top of periodic dermarolling and supplementing biotin. I went from pretty much nothing but a patch hair on my chin (all the way...
  2. Playaz Eyez

    Willie D’s take on studs with beards

  3. Fresh

    beard gang I have a question

    I'm growing my beard out brehs, what should I use to shampoo it and condition it with, I have slight beard dandruff so I started washing my beard with Head and Shoulders. Also what's a good beard moisturizer to use ? I'm Black btw all input appreciated
  4. Fresh

    beard gang I have a question

    I'm growing out my beard and I was wondering what my Black Coli brehs reccomend to wash your beard, and more important what do you use to moisturize it ? All input is welcome, thanks in advance
  5. collateral.

    I am a 26 year old male & cannot grow a beard

    Just the struggle mustache and goatee combo I had since 20. Sideburns are almost nonexistent. I’ve seen dykes with better sideburns than me. Never seen my dad with a beard. The most facial hair I’ve seen on him was the thick sideburns, mustache, and soul patch combo brothas used to rock back...
  6. Rev Leon Lonnie Love

    Study finds men with beards carry more germs than dogs

    well, well, well what do we have here :mjbigen: Link to study: Would it be safe to have a dog in the MRI scanner before your own examination? A multicenter study to establish hygiene facts related to dogs and men Lets discuss :mjgrin:
  7. Archangel

    Beard Growth Oil...

    My mans told me that I could grow a beard with some growth oil like from scratch. I can only grow a mustache and chin hair. No beard. Is it possible to grow one with beard growth oil or is it only possible through genetics. My dad can't grow a beard. Am I outta luck? Has anyone on here ever...
  8. Maschine_Man

    Canadian Military authorizes soldiers to grow beards and smoke weed.

    :ohhh: Members no longer have to shave and can have a full beard if they want. Canadian military trims restrictions on beards amid push to modernize forces and they are allowing service members to smoke weed...recreationally Canadian military issues guidelines for recreational marijuana to...
  9. M

    Can you reverse :flabbynsick: facial hair genetics?

    :flabbynsick: My dad is 58 with a Master P face, I seen an old picture of him in the 80s with a thin ass mustache on his lip on some Rich the Kid shyt but that's it My older brother is a little better but his grows in like Paul Pierce :scust: I'm about to be 21 & still have barely visible...
  10. Archangel

    I get mad as hell when I see gay dudes with beards...

    .... Cause I can't grow one. Dad was beardless so those genes passed down to me. I got chin hair and a mustache.... Junt wont even connect to make a goatee. :gucci: When I see these flamboyant gay guys with these full beards man it just make me so angry cause I'm like ... Bro don't even...
  11. Black Andy Dwyer

    How Do I Achieve My #BeardGoals In 2017

    For most of my life, I have tried to keep a decent amount of facial hair on my face. Always kept it simple with a full goatee. Except that one time I worked for Publix. They don't allow facial hair so I had to shave it. That's when I learned I look like Mr. Potato Head without facial hair...