
  1. Rhapture

    Why does it seem like shows are scared to recast characters?

    Sometimes things may happen like creative differences, somebody gets sick or dies, somebody just gets tired of the role, an actor gets into trouble etc. It just seems like show creators nowadays just refuse to recast a character even when it would make things simpler. The actor that played Carl...
  2. Rhapture

    Fantasy casting MCU

    If marvel ever decides to use these characters in the Cinematic Universe. Which actors and actresses do you think can do these characters justice? Submariner aka Prince Namor ruler of Atlantis Brother Voodoo She-Hulk Monica Rambeau aka Captain Marvel aka Pulsar The Silver Surfer I...
  3. JerseyBoy23

    Looking Back, You Have To Admit That Red Tails Had A Great Cast

    While Red Tails might have not delivered critically or monetarily, the one thing you couldn't say bad about it was the cast. I was watching the flick earlier today and realized that most of the cast has prospered since the so-called "bomb" to work on various projects like Selma, Creed, The...
  4. Idaeo

    Caucasian or Ambiguous: Example #1001 of Racist Hollywood Casting

    :stopitslime: I was going to forward this to my sister because her and her family would have been perfect for this...until I read the last part.