
  1. Rhapture

    "The one who loves the least controls the relationship" true or false?

    True or False?
  2. Rhapture

    Compromise and relationships

    "Interviewer: Can anyone live with Eartha Kitt? Eartha: that's not for me to decide. that's what the person who decides to live with me to decide. Not for me." "A relationship is A relationship that has to be earned. Not compromised for" "When you fall in love what is there to compromise...
  3. O³ (O cubed)

    Most Games Will NOT hit 4k 120fps Next Gen.

    Looking how this gen has ended, I pretty much doubt that most games will hit 4k120. Heck, I doubt that games will hit 4K60 next gen without done sort of checkerboard or 1440p upscaled in the early part of the gen. If you already have a 4k 60hz TV, you shouldn't have to buy a new TV anytime...