dear diary

  1. M

    Did you ever had a dime co worker? How was it?

  2. Yo Mama

    Wierd Bromances

    I just bumped into a guy I was briefly aquainted with - guy2. I met guy1 and guy2 some time years back. Guy1 helped me out, I was stranded and he helped me, guy2 and others were with him so they helped too. I had to leave my stuff, and when I got my stuff back all my cash was intact thanks to...
  3. SeveroDrgnfli

    Were you adopted?

    This thread won't do numbers. Hell, it may get no responses. But adoptees, we out here! If one person sees this thread, and they were adopted, I want them to know they are not alone. I have the same fears and insecurities as them. People love to throw around "fatherless" as an insult. Its not...