
  1. M

    BLM Activity Book for Children

    There's something missing I can't quite put my finger on it :mjpls: As I tried to tell you brothers in June :sas2: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/reminder-that-blm-is-an-alphabet-rights-group-using-dead-black-men-as-a-platform.784787/
  2. shhh-kull & bones

    Use a test-tube kid from a black feminist dyke to promote genocidal madness brehs

    :snoop:Quick back story; The dyke chick is stacyann chin---a high yellow mixed breed of jamaican and chinese decent:scusthov: she (or it:yeshrug:)has had a long history on the 'slam poetry/off off way off broadway' circuit and has been heavily backed by the globalist/feminist cacs to push...
  3. SheWantTheD

    Why Are Dykes Built Like Shyt And If You Fukk One, Is You Gay?

    Real talk, these dyke chicks be built fukking terribly and a lot of times they ugly af.
  4. M

    Vic Mensa on Real Time w/ Bill Maher: Talks Justin Timberlake & Culture Vultures
