election day

  1. Ahadi

    If you were to describe each democratic candidate...

    If you were to describe each democratic candidate in a short sentence to someone who knew nothing about voting/who to vote for/ or politics in general, how would you describe each existing candidate?
  2. Easy-E

    What happened to the 'Vote or you ain't s***' crowd? Seriously, where ya'll at?

    Black politicians talking immigrants, Trump, DACA, gun control, etc. Nothing about black Americans. UPDATE: Rep. Hank Johnson/House rep for GA's 4th District; 60% Black...10% Hispanic. John Lewis; Rehasing the Civil Rights, movement, dikkriding Barry, "Vote to honor your ancestors"...
  3. Powdered Toast Man

    rioting has started...

    letsssss skeddditttttttttttt
  4. B

    Murda Mook 'Election Day Freestyle'(Hillary Clinton Vs Donald Trump)

  5. SirReginald

    TLR ELECTION DAY THREAD: Trump Vs Clinton 11/8/16 (Will Trump Pull A Rumble In The Jungle UPSET?)

    TO THE COLI BREHETTES: If Trump WINS yall gotta make a Twerk video for us. So, who will gain the most electoral votes OR will no one gain the majority? Gary Johnson if he campaigns enough can get New Mexico for it can go to the house :manny: However, I think Hillary Clinton will win...