
  1. JahFocus CS

    To escape Trump's America, we need to bring the militant labor tactics of 1946 back to the future

    To escape Trump's America, we need to bring the militant labor tactics of 1946 back to the future @Type Username Here @Swavy Karl Marx @Madvillain @BaggerofTea
  2. DonKnock

    What Will The MAGAs Fascism Look Like?

    -All Repub everything -Crushed Feminism -Multiple stated racial enemies (Mex, Islam) -Economically frustrated base looking to restore their genetic superiority :patrice:This shyt could go really far especially once a War starts and Trump starts taking on additional Wartime authority...
  3. Berniewood Hogan

    The Right Is Giving Up on Democracy

    It's not just Donald Trump and his fans who think the system is rigged. BY JEET HEER October 24, 2016 The single most ominous thing that Donald Trump said in all three presidential debates was a misguided attempt at a quip: “I’ll keep you in suspense, okay?” Moderator Chris Wallace, of course...