generation divide

  1. Homey the clown

    Was the Silent Generation (1924-1945) hated on as much as Baby Boomers get hated on today ?

    It seems like if you go online whether it's an online forum, Twitter, website or App comment section, it seems as if Baby Boomers (1946-1964) get hated on. From kids using the phrase " Okay boomer even though the person they're talking to may not even be a boomer, to Millennials and even...
  2. Yinny

    Black Coli, how do your parents feel about the n-word?

    I’m curious, neither of my parents use it and my Dad hates the word with a passion, he uses “joker” instead. Part of why I tend not to use it in real life and reserve it for my e-thuggery(jk but only slightly).