good black men

  1. Mr.bocario

    PSA: Brehs there’s a difference between bytching about women and actual grievances

    I’m seeing a whole lot of low testosterone beta male shyt (I hate that phrase btw) that’s making the brehs in general look weak Brehs if you posting shyt like I took this girl out but she seems like an attention whore, my girl is starting to get chubby or every time I try to get sexual with a...
  2. M

    Ladies, what is your definition of a "quality man"?

    :ohhh: @CinnaSlim thread got me thinking What, in your mind, is the definition of a quality man, a good guy, hubby material, whatever you call it :smugfavre: In my mind, and most guys I'd assume, a quality man is..... -Does what is morally right (Or, if you are religious, is a devout man of...