
  1. Professor Emeritus

    India's largest state bans Halal food

    They are wilding on this anti-Muslim agenda. The CM in charge of that state is a radical right-wing Hindu Nationalist priest and supposed to be the leading candidate for India's next PM too. He's basically Stephen Miller in a robe. UP govt bans sale of halal-certified products with immediate...
  2. SirReginald

    Why Don't Christians Follow Dietary Law?

    I always wondered besides the SDA and Orthodoxy was why don't most Christians follow dietary law from the Old Testament. They continue to eat Pork, Crab, Lobster, and Shellfish. However, when homosexuality and premarital sex comes up they go back to the OT. Why is this? Do most Western...
  3. L

    Meatless Diet

    For all my brehs and brehettes who don't eat meat. Please feel free to share your pics, recipes, ingredients, and general information of dishes WITHOUT MEAT (Seafood allowed). Where are all my #Pescetarian #Vegetarian and #Vegan people at??? :salute:@Kitsch @Yusuke @ThisWorldAintRight...