
  1. A

    Let's motivate each other!

    Peace and blessings! The sole purpose of this thread is to concentrate our energies and motivate each other through these trying times! Life may try to bring us down but we're Kings and Queens! Salute to you all! Keep going strong, keep shining! If they hate, smile knowing that they saw...
  2. Crude Abolitionist

    #Dogset vs #Catset (Offical Thread)

  3. Quasi

    On being Big and Black, and the fear it inspires

    * There's a discussion to be had about how differently the world perceives big, Black individuals. We tend to strike a different, dangerous kind of fear in the hearts of others even as we simply move through space. Black physicality is seemingly only appreciated and adored when it is placed in...
  4. DrX

    Ive been thinking alot about mortality lately and just wanted to tell y'all that I love yall

    My grandma on my dad side is fighting for her life, We weren't never really close because she had her issues....and she spent her life fighting alcoholism, it makes me sad to see her suffering, she had a rough life and could never kick her personal demons...shes been in and out the hospital for...