hidden colors

  1. Low End Derrick

    How True Is This Image About The Rt Hon. Brother Tariq?

    Y'all think this is accurate, or is this simply slanderous work of of some pissed off immigrant anchor baby tether c00n/dirty ass b*dwench mammy c00n? :patrice:
  2. ATownD19

    Tariq Nasheed Confronted By Caribbean Immigrant Over #ADOS Xenophobia (Video)

  3. ATownD19

    Breaking News: Tariq Nasheed is BANNED from the UK (Video)

  4. ATownD19

    Brother Polight Scams Business Partner of 100k

    This guy was in a few of polight's youtubes recently. Now he's claiming polight took his money.
  5. ATownD19

    Jabari Osaze (From Hidden Colors 5) "DANE CALLOWAY YOU ARE A COWARD!" Debunks Aboriginal Movement

    Cornell University Africana Studies Scholar & Cast Member of Hidden Colors 5 "Jabari Osaze" Debunks Dane Calloway, Aboriginal Movement, and Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Deniers.
  6. Hidden Colors 5: The Art of Black Warfare (Official Thread)

    Dude stays grinding :wow:
  7. Hidden Colors 4: The Religion of White Supremacy (Discussion Thread)

    Tariq started his kick starter like 12 days ago and is about to reach his goal of making 60,000 to make the film...which is nothing. Dude usually comes out of pocket for everything else He still has A MONTH to raise more money. tariqelite 4 hours ago We have reached the minimum funding goal...
  8. Marvel

    Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism (Official Thread)

    Hidden Colors 3 - Kickstarter page and trailer http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/6688684/hidden-colors-3?ref=live Donate to the cause fam...we are through dealing with lies from cacs and c00ns :birdman: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-tariq-elite-show Tariq Elite Show ustream page :blessed:
  9. newarkhiphop

    Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin (Official Thread)
