
  1. Mr Rager

    They Packin the Berners in Brooklyn: Dem Debate April 14 (CNN 9PM Est)

    It's going down finally. Bernie Vs Hillary April 14, a few days before the YUGE primary in New York :lupe: Clinton, Sanders to meet for Brooklyn debate - CNNPolitics.com (CNN) Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have agreed to meet for a Democratic debate on CNN and NY1 on April 14, five days...
  2. Mr Rager

    Here's why Black folks are supporting Hillary Clinton (and shouldn't be)

    Initially I figured it was name recognition and her association with Obama. This Huffpost article lays out some good points as to why black people (mostly older black people) are flocking to support HillDawg while not even giving Bernie a chance. On Hillary Clinton's Overwhelming Support Among...