
  1. B

    A Fan Made a Spider-Man Film. The Fallout Has Been Unexpected.

    https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/23/movies/spider-man-lotus-fan-film.html A Fan Made a Spider-Man Film. The Fallout Has Been Unexpected. An amateur tribute with millions of views has set off controversies — not about copyright, but about racist texts and the point of fan films to begin with...
  2. Ganso Bomb

    Blueface knocks out his girlfriend's dad: "I'm her daddy now😈"

    This is after she beat up his mom and sister too This level of toxic is unmatched. They the real life joker and Harley Quinn:russ:
  3. President Sakora

    Thoughts and Prayers Bill to end Mass Shootings

    fukking idiots on the panel and audience... :mjpls:
  4. Tair

    "Bird-head B*tches" by Corey Holcomb

    already time-stamped...
  5. Womb Raider

    Take a selfie with your gun in the middle of class, high school brehs

    Login • Instagram get your high school locked down cuz you wanted to be a thug, dumbass brehs
  6. Carlton Banks

    We need to have a serious discussion about the IGNORANT nature of BROOKLYN nikkas

    As someone who's from Brooklyn, worked and driven through all areas of Brooklyn, spent 23 years of my life here (I'm 30), gone to school here, etc I'm qualified to speak on this. This is mainly about hood nikkas in Brooklyn. I can't help but feel there's a (for lack of better word) slowness or...
  7. JadeB

    Get a mail order groom brehettes

    :hhh: Imagine bringing a human into the world for the sole reason to brag about your mixed child
  8. President Sakora

    When a gangsta from the O meet a room fulla hoes

    For the love of god please skip to 2:55-3:30 This nikka Von don't know the ether he just dropped on these two skallywags @skeetsinternal @Cocaine Ninja @cocainebiceps @UG. @4-Rin @KalKal @Big Mood @Typical NY Fan @Playa_Wit_A_Passport
  9. Luken

    New Coli Narrative : Michael B Jordan is a c00n

    According to @M-ILLITANT and a few other posters :smh: :francis:
  10. SheWantTheD

    "You Are Too Light To Be African", "You Don't Look African"

    Both are my parents are Nigerian and I hear this bullshyt often. Told a white female co-worker last week that my family is Nigerian, and she told me "But you're light-skinned". :snoop: I work with Haitian people and they assumed I wasn't from Africa. I remember talking to this one latina...
  11. Homey the clown

    Why do some people sag and show their boxers while wearing skinny jeans

    I am getting sick and tired of seeing teens and grown ass men walking around with their damn boxers showing.The shyt looks so ridiculous.At least in the baggy jeans era when nikkas sagged they werent showing boxers. Some people might read this thread and think I sound :flabbynsick: but I do not...
  12. GreenGhxst

    Dealing with c00ns while being woke

    How do y'all deal with people who aren't woke while you consider yourself woke? What type of things do you see people doing that set you off? This usually isn't a problem for me because I usually don't give a fukk, but on social media platforms I've noticed the levels of c00nery and ignorance...
  13. Archangel

    Student in my class told me "wow you climbed that net like a monkey!"

    So I'm subbing a P.E class at this middle school. Predominately white with some blacks and asians sprinkled in. They playing ball and this girl shoots her broke J and the ball gets wedged on the rim. So I jumped up and grabbed the net and pulled myself up and smacked the ball down much to the...