marvel won

  1. Rhapture

    The Eternals first teaser trailer MCU

  2. Rhapture

    Marvel and Disney should create a Duckverse

    And Howard the Duck should be the star What if it turned out Howard knocked up Donald Ducks sister and he really the father of Hewy, Dewy and Louy He trying to get custody of the kids but Uncle Scrooge like "nah nikka you better take your ass back to the Avengers or the Guardians":camby...
  3. Rhapture

    What if?

    Howard the Duck Was Huey, Duey and Louies Dad? We know their mom is Uncle Scrooges Niece and Donald Ducks sister but what if Howard was her Baby Daddy? Since marvel and Disney are one in the same now. Scrooge could Joine the Avengers and be their main sponsor since Tony is dead now. :duck: