
  1. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Posh is so passé – today’s elite prefers the myth of the meritocracy

    ’m not posh,” an irate David Dimbleby told the Today presenter John Humphrys. “I come from Wales, as you do.” Dimbleby, who this month stepped down as host of BBC’s Question Time, was being interviewed by Humphrys, another stalwart of BBC journalism. Humphrys wondered whether Dimbleby’s poshness...
  2. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    If you're anti-immigrant, you're directly suporting white supremacy

    Yes black people need jobs, I would be a bootlicking ass c00n like @David_TheMan for denying such a thing. So if we're not going to rid ourselves of capitalism, then we need to abide or play by the system. If we are, then silence any and all or critiques of the bougie, talented tenth Negroes...
  3. L

    Brehs what jobs/industries would you say are the most meritocratic???

    I think most of us agree that meritoctacy is a myth but there are some jobs/industries that are more meritocractic than others. The two that come to mind are sports and the IT field. Thats why so many cert brehs are eating good in the IT field. UPDATE: So far we have: Engineering Sports IT...