
  1. Rhapture

    Are you the main character?

    In your world? Do you have main character syndrome? I mean, ultimately you always gonna be the focus of your own life. You'd be in bad shape if you truly neglected yourself but are you the main character? Or do you see yourself as a member of an ensemble cast?
  2. JadeB

    Dr. Ramani: "Racist people are more likely to be narcissistic"

  3. Rhapture

    Can pride exist without ego?

    In your opinion are they synonymous? Are they good or bad? They both can lead to arrogance and vanity. They also can be sources of confidence and motivation. Pride associated images/symbols/examples Ego associated images/symbols/examples
  4. blqbird

    Is insecurity a subset of narcissism?

    Thinking about the overall western focus on self-absorbtion and the "me" mentality. It tends to only focus on the excessively positive light people view themselves in and not the opposite. Do brehs who suffer from deep insecurities also fall on the spectrum of narcissism?
  5. Crude Abolitionist


    The snapchat instagram selfie culture has done nothing but unearth alot of people fukked up self hate issues. People dont want to deal with reality anymore because they are weak and cant hack it. Alot of people are not going to come out of this alive. This shyt goes to suicude QUICK. When...
  6. Professor Emeritus

    Donald Trump clarifies why it's tough to get coverage for preexisting conditions

    His explanation to the New York Times: That makes no sense on any level. He has no clue what he's saying. Not a freaking clue. If a random poster in HL put this up as an explanation, he'd just get a bunch of :dahell: and :mindblown: and people would assume that he was drunk AND stupid...
  7. SheWantTheD

    Why Do People Surgically Alter Their Bodies To Ridiculous Proportions?

    Real talk. This chick below can't go anywhere in public without people staring at her. People who were born with genetics that gave them extremely large breasts, butts, thighs etc grew up very insecure and self-conscious about their body because of the attention. People didn't see them for...