
  1. Jimi Swagger

    Why Sex Was Better 100 Years Ago. Feminism and Porn Are Enemies

    He feels State shouldn't intervene with the natural impulse for husbands to rape their wives??? :francis: Also, you shouldn't watch porn because eventually your body will reject natural women and you will desensitize yourself. I suspect that he is a White nationalist and a addition to being a...
  2. SheWantTheD

    Ladies, Have Y'all Ever Tried NoFap?

    If so, how long did y'all last? How long have y'all gone without sex, masturbating and porn? How did it affect you? Inquiring minds would like to know :patrice: Longest I've gone without sex, porn and masturbating was like 3 months unfortunately Them relapses tho. :francis:
  3. Ronald McDonald

    Cooking Brehs, am i about to burn down my house? :lupe:

    im frying burgers and as soon as i put the patties into the oil they started smoking Been like 10 minutes. what do :lupe:
  4. S

    Crazy how many Legends endorsed NoFap throughout history (this shyt clearly works)

    Here's some motivation brehs (G.O.A.T's that did nofap) Sigmund Freud Psychologist and founder of Psychoanalysis “Freud held the opinion (based on personal experience and observation) that sexual activity was incompatible with the accomplishing of any great work. Since he felt that the great...