osama bin laden

  1. JadeB

    It's insane how most of the hijackers were under 25....

    Literally the oldest one was Mohamed Atta and he was 33. A few were in their late 20s but the bulk were young nikkas. The definition of crash test dummies. Imagine dying for a millionaire who's been chilling in a mansion in Pakistan:picard:
  2. MushroomX

    10 Years Ago, Obama used Cancel Culture on Trump

    Because he bodied bin Laden, finishing the job his predecessor didn't do. :lolbron: :troll: Maybe this is why Trump REALLY hated Obama. :russ:
  3. JadeB

    Osama Bin Laden was a Naruto fan

    Osama Bin Laden was the leader of terrorist group Al-Qaeda from its creation in the late 80s until his death in 2011 as a result of a US military operation. During that time he was directly responsible for some heinous attacks throughout the Middle East, and the most significant terrorist action...
  4. SirReginald

    Remember When Osama Bin Laden Wanted To Knock Bobby Brown's Kufi Off Over Whitney Houston?
