patrice cullors

  1. saturn7

    I can't stand these "woke" "intersectional" Negroes! MLK's "problematic legacy" discussed

    I just happened to catch this interview this morning. Tired of these Nu "Woke" nikkas. Criticizing King because he prioritized the needs of Black folks and Black men as household providers over "queer" issues or feminism. The Takeaway Melissa Harris-Perry interviews Patrice Cullors and Scott...
  2. I

    Is The Enemy of the Coli's Enemy, Our Friend?

    Former HFPA president faces a backlash over email calling Black Lives Matter a ‘hate movement’ The 78th Golden Globe Awards were handed out Feb. 28. (Alberto E. Rodriguez / Wire Image ) By STACY PERMANSTAFF WRITER Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email An email sent Sunday by a former Hollywood...