public schools

  1. B

    ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club {Update 5/1/23} 17 hrs ago Saucon Valley Middle School HELLERTOWN, Pa. - The American Civil Liberties Union, the...
  2. King Static X

    NYC public schools will rename Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day & will celebrate Juneteenth

    After a little bit of backlash from the Italians: This sucks though: They should give the kids the day off. I used to love snow days as a kid - let kids be kids.
  3. SirReginald

    "Are 'URBAN' Public Schools FAILING BLACK Kids Or Is It The Parents?"

    Cliffs Blames Dr. King for this mess. Says that Black children need to be in private school. Since BOTH Urban and mixed schools harm Black kids. Most parents aint shyt and don't stress education in the home. These kids can't comprehend what they are reading. White teachers don't give a fukk...
  4. SirReginald

    SPIN: How Can The School System Be FIXED In The U.S.? (MORE BLACK MALE TEACHERS?)

    As someone who is not a teacher, but has volunteered with them how can this system be fixed? What can these politicians and teachers do to repair this system? We have a majority of cac teachers who do NOT treat these Black kids the same. They see them as inferior :snoop: Most of the troubled...