racism is alive and well

  1. 88m3

    Prominent Conservative Pundit Tells Black Musician To ‘Shut Up And Play The Piano’

    BY JUDD LEGUM POSTED ON JULY 30, 2014 AT 7:51 PM UPDATED: JULY 30, 2014 AT 8:22 PM CREDIT: AP John Podhoretz, a former speech writer for Ronald Reagan with a regular column in the New York Post, told musician John Legend to “shut up and play the piano” in a tweet sent on Wednesday afternoon...
  2. Iamnoone

    My son has been suspended 5 times. He's 3.

    I received a call from my sons’ school in March telling me that my oldest needed to be picked up early. He had been given a one-day suspension because he had thrown a chair. He did not hit anyone, but he could have, the school officials told me. JJ was 4 at the time. I agreed his behavior was...
  3. TrifeGod

    Janelle Ambrosia a "Vintage" Racist Stripper 4 Hire screams racism at a Black Successful man in NY

    :shaq2: Make this Viral. Edit: The response