
  1. ViShawn

    Support my group Black ATX Tactical (@blackatxtactical)

    What's good everyone? I created a group Black ATX Tactical last year and it's been gaining a lot of momentum. I started this group on Facebook initially designed as a safe space for Black gun owners to gain information about firearms and find resources to help them through their self-defense...
  2. ViShawn

    I started a local Black Firearm Group

    Some of you know I live in ATX and know that Black people are not quite represented in many things here. I made a firearm group las year that focused on Black gun ownership, training, education, etc. just to have a space for some of us melanated gun enthusiasts. Having coming from a mixed...
  3. K

    Crazy! Do you think dude in this wild shooting video can claim self-defense?

    You think son got a self-defense claim or nah? Edit: I posed the question of self defense because I thought dude was still bucking (or at least attempting to) while on the floor. After seeing it a couple more times it seems like he lost his ratchet and his arms moving around while on the ground...
  4. DrBanneker

    Black people (in USA) who don't own firearms. Why?

    I am not a violent type by far but I have owned a gun since 16 and own several now for home defense and just target practice. With all the stuff going on in the country (and world) I am curious as to how even the most pacifist breh or brehette doesn't consider being strapped. If you live in a...