

    Charging girlfriend rent on a property you own outright. Who’s right/wrong?

    Saw this on twitter, was wondering what thecoli would make of it?
  2. SheWantTheD

    Why Men Fear Commitment

    Men don't fear commitment. I'm assuming this false assumption and belief came from women having trouble getting men to commit to them. The truth is he just didn't want to commit to you. Women place men in different categories ie one time fling, fukk buddy, relationship material, marriage...
  3. SheWantTheD

    Immediate Signs She Belongs To The Game?

    What are some signs you immediately notice about a chick that tells you she most likely belongs to the game? Today I went to go play ball at one of the rec centers at my school, and this white chick behind the counter wearing tight ass khaki pants hugging her cheeks. She telling me something...