
  1. Professor Emeritus

    An oral Coli history of "LeBron's game won't age"

    June 14, 2012 February 13, 2013 What happens once Lebron James... June 16, 2014 June 18, 2014 October 30, 2014 LeBron Lost His Athleticism Oct 29, 2015 November 25, 2015 April 13, 2016 June 5, 2016 (when he thought LeBron was about to lose to the Warriors)...
  2. Listen

    Reason why Underdogs rarely win in the NBA

    I just came across this Vox video from a year or so back explaining the difference in “luck vs skill” in the 5 major sports. This is pretty dope. Funny how the playoffs change the data and make MLB the most random fueled sport by shrinking the games compared to the regular season.
  3. R

    Let's pick up a hobby for 30 days

    I know a lot of brehs and brehettes feel jaded so why not make life a little funner with a hobby. Let's do it! We can post daily or weekly progress. I'll add names and shyt to the OP. @wickedsm -- painting @Bless't -- drawing @shutterguy -- photography @Hope -- bass @Rose Gold -- piano...
  4. MF_BREW

    You must learn!

    If there had to be some skill or trade you would love to know, learn and use what would there be? Like how to invest in a company and receive the benefits and money from them For me I would love to know how to make a app (not a cheap app) but a app that would very beneficial.