slave rebellion

  1. saturn7

    How the autobiography of a Muslim slave is challenging an American narrative

    Omar Ibn Said was 37 years old when he was taken from his West African home and transported to Charleston, South Carolina, as a slave in the 1800s. Now, his one-of-a-kind autobiographical manuscript has been translated from its original Arabic and housed at the Library of Congress, where it...
  2. I

    Anyone notice the absence of black monuments...** Update** The Black Monument Project

    celebrating anti-slavery heroes, slave resistance, or black liberation in the US? In light of Charlottesville and the national debate over Confederate monuments and preserving the legacy of southern slavers that committed treason against the U.S., what's missing from the national debate is why...
  3. Archangel

    Ya'll Ever Wondered "What if Nat Turners Revolt Succeeded"?

    Was thinking about this hard. Imagine the slave revolt continuing on and Nat conquering more plantations, gaining more members and accomplishing the goal of taking the armory. Imagine if news spread throughout the country and other slaves organized and schemed and took over their plantations as...
  4. Milk

    Encyclopedia of Slave Resistance and Rebellion (2006)

    Has anyone read or own this book? If you have, is it any good and worth purchasing? It cost around £138 on Amazon and I want to know what the book is like before buying it.