
  1. B

    This clip is from the feature documentary "Ride with Larry" showing retired police captain Larry Smith, who has Parkinson’s, trying medical cannabis..

    This clip is from the feature documentary "Ride with Larry" showing retired police captain Larry Smith, who has Parkinson’s, trying medical cannabis for the first time.
  2. Rhapture

    Black Americans and Bipolar disorder

  3. Patriarch

    RIP Dr Afrika

    Influenced a lot of us to become vegan. Huge loss for us. A gain for the ancestors.
  4. you're NOT "n!ggas"

    I think I'm finally picking up yoga in 2020

    It's something I been saying I'd do for 2 or 3 years, on the premise that I wanna still be movin n' groovin as I age. Every now and then I'll come across some elderly all hunched over depending on a cane or walker and the thought of it haunts me :merchant: I'm 32 now, this'll make a new...
  5. Regular Developer

    How often do you guys go to Doctor/Dentist/Eye Doctor

    I've been making sure I go to the doctor once a year, and the dentist a couple times a year. But during college, I never had a visit of any kind, and that briefly carried over to when I started working a job that offered health insurance. Luckily, I don't have any issues, though I could drop my...
  6. Jimmy from Linkedin

    Coli Pharmacy

    Peace Brehs and Brehettes, I've only got two quotes from my limited search but I'd like you to open your minds and your posts and share some tips for some health remedies. it has been awfully wet out here in DC and this weather finally got me with a croopy cough and a crappy voice. What ya'll...