where are they now

  1. Rhapture

    Do you think that Alpha Male Strategies guy could've helped Kent?

    I don't know what became of Kent, Oreo Man and Jamil but do you think the colis new relationship guru could've helped Kent overcome his issues with rejection and True Forced Loneliness?
  2. JerseyBoy23

    Where Are They Now: Santino Marella

    Thought you TSC brehs would appreciate this. Santino might have one of the best transitions out of wrestling for a midcarder (or below).
  3. KingBeez

    Let's start an official TSC "Where Are They Now" Thread for all the forgotten wrestlers of the past

    I noticed that we don't have a "where are they now?" type of thread for wrestlers, so I'm deciding to start one now. You can post any wrestler that you liked, hated, or forgotten about, and hopefully we can see what they're up to. I'll start off first. Y'all brehs remember Marcus Cor Von aka...