youtube cats

  1. Rhapture

    Coli messing up your YouTube recommendations unappreciation

    This guy just won't go away and I've removed him like 16 times already. I'm going to start reporting his videos. I'll rep anyone who flags him too :ld:
  2. Hiphopsocialite

    Negroes in Denial : Black man on YouTube says white privilege doesn't exist

    Someone tagged my high school friend (who happens to be white) in this video on Facebook. I watched it just to give her the benefit of the doubt- but after seeing her write "LOL" under it, and laugh at the names they used - I deleted her as a friend. :trash: I'm so over people who pretend...
  3. SheWantTheD

    Black Women React To True Forced Loneliness

    I'm TFL until my casket drops! I'm TFL until my casket drops! I'm TFL until my casket drops! For those who don't know, True Forced Loneliness is the idea that there is some sort of force whether it be metaphysical, societal, etc that forces particular men to be single outside of their control.