13TH (Netflix doc) Discussion Thread

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
I finally got around to watching this today and :wow:. I believe the documentary deserves its own thread.

I highly recommend that everyone take 100 minutes to view it. The way it traces the exploitation of Black labor and bodies and the origins of the myth of Black criminality from late-stage slavery to convict leasing to mass incarceration is easy to understand and impactful.

Two things that I didn't know previously were that the KKK didn't burn crosses until they adopted the practice after it was portrayed in Birth of a Nation in 1915, and that this conservative establishment organization called ALEC literally writes up bills advancing the interests of the corporations on their board that legislators then take directly to legislatures to get passed. ALEC has advanced policies facilitating mass incarceration and there is now an effort to make the bail and monitoring process after folks get out of prison into a steady stream of revenue as well.

The documentary also touches on how immigration enforcement and mass incarceration are merging and suggests that capital is increasingly turning to detention centers as prison mass incarceration becomes more politically costly.