

Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
I usually try to stay out of BW vs BM shyt but if this isn't the absolute DUMBEST shyt in the history of dumb shyt then :mindblown: I logged on to my FB after a few months not logging in and I'm seeing this shyt up and down my TL. Not just some bogga bear types, I'm talking, corporate types are doing this.

Of course this was started by some chick who isn't remotely attractive. Nikki Carpenter

It was last February. I can’t remember where I was, or what I was doing. I suddenly had what I thought was a regular thought: “Don’t talk to any men for an entire month”. Where did that thought come from? I immediately dismissed it. A few days later the same thought came to me, but this time it was different: “You shouldn’t be talking to any men this month.” This time I knew this was indeed the Lord speaking to me, but there was one major problem that was quite confusing: I ALREADY WASN’T TALKING TO ANY MEN. I didn’t have a boyfriend, boo, or random. There was NO ONE. Who was I supposed to not talk to? Nevertheless, I concluded with only speaking to the men in my family during what I was now calling a “man fast”. If I only knew what the next 30 days had in store for me.
I seriously can not make this stuff up. A different man reached out to me almost EVERYDAY during my 30 day man fast. I would literally go to work and show a new message to my roommate & co-worker. They were aware of my man fast and couldn’t believe what was happening as well. I can honestly say it wasn’t hard not talking to these men, although I did wonder about their intentions. It became clear that God was doing something, which encouraged me to simply be obedient.
Sisters… Has God called you to give up something? DO. IT. My former pastor always says God isn’t trying to take something from you, He’s trying to give something to you. God wasn’t trying to take me away from men, he was trying to prepare me for my soon to be, only husband. Get it? Good. Now completely trust the Father.

UPDATE! I now have an ebook available entitled “The 30 Day Man Fast”. To purchase, click here.


Also wrapped up in religion. I love my black women but y'all fall for anything that's cloaked or have a hint of religion attached to it
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Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
What is it? Black women saying no to men for 30 days?
It was last February. I can’t remember where I was, or what I was doing. I suddenly had what I thought was a regular thought: “Don’t talk to any men for an entire month”. Where did that thought come from? I immediately dismissed it. A few days later the same thought came to me, but this time it was different: “You shouldn’t be talking to any men this month.” This time I knew this was indeed the Lord speaking to me, but there was one major problem that was quite confusing: I ALREADY WASN’T TALKING TO ANY MEN. I didn’t have a boyfriend, boo, or random. There was NO ONE. Who was I supposed to not talk to? Nevertheless, I concluded with only speaking to the men in my family during what I was now calling a “man fast”. If I only knew what the next 30 days had in store for me.
I seriously can not make this stuff up. A different man reached out to me almost EVERYDAY during my 30 day man fast. I would literally go to work and show a new message to my roommate & co-worker. They were aware of my man fast and couldn’t believe what was happening as well. I can honestly say it wasn’t hard not talking to these men, although I did wonder about their intentions. It became clear that God was doing something, which encouraged me to simply be obedient.
Sisters… Has God called you to give up something? DO. IT. My former pastor always says God isn’t trying to take something from you, He’s trying to give something to you. God wasn’t trying to take me away from men, he was trying to prepare me for my soon to be, only husband. Get it? Good. Now completely trust the Father.

UPDATE! I now have an ebook available entitled “The 30 Day Man Fast”. To purchase, click here.

Guess it depends on the person but a couple of chicks on my TL weren't even talking to men at work.


Apr 30, 2014
How the fukk you start a thread complaining about some shyt and NOT tell us what it is :why:


Dec 21, 2014
so basically you dont like religious black women. and if shes ugly why does it matter if she stopped talking to men?

The Guide to a 30 Day Fast from Men
By Jonnita Condra
A few months ago, I wrote the post, The Month I Fasted from Men and How it Changed My Life. A lot of you contacted me asking for specifics on what to do during the fast, so I wrote this post to help guide you on your journey.

Disclaimer: This fast is not to help you get a man in return, although it sounds like a good incentive and could very well bring the partner God has for you. But, most importantly, the fast is designed to teach you 1) how to trust God with the desires of your heart, by completely relinquishing control and giving them solely to God; 2) to totally surrender yourself to God and allow him to heal the parts of your life that are broken.

Ready? Okay here we go.

1) Discontinue contact with any man that you presumed to be a love interest. So any man you’re dating/ talking to and it’s not going anywhere, especially if you know God has given signs that this person is not for you and you have no peace about the relationship. This step is especially important, because you are showing God that you are willing to sacrifice your desires for his will in your life.

2) Do not engage or entertain any man that is trying to hit on you, flirt with you, take you out on a date, buy you dinner. Even if a friend tries to set you up with a guy. Stay away, and beware the men will come.

It is important to stay committed, because every time you choose to reject advances from men, that is an act of faith. Faith without good works is dead.

So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.- James 2: 17

This is a weak area, and your good works in faith will show God’s strength in you. Where you are weak, he is strong.

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. – 2 Corinthians 12: 9

What should you be doing during the fast, besides not talking to men?

The purpose of this Fast is to draw closer to Christ, and to allow yourself to hear more clearly from him. So, what should you be doing?

1) Daily devotion: This is the time you come vulnerably to God, asking him to show you in his word what he wants to tell you. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal scriptures to you.

2) Prayer: This is your time to surrender it all to Christ. Really be honest with God about what is going on internally. He already knows what’s in your heart, he’s just waiting on you to give it all to him.

What men can you actually talk to?

1) Friends: Men who are already platonic friends. No new friends.

2) Co- workers: yes you can talk to male colleagues, if it is essential to your job. Avoid contact with male co- workers who try to make advances at you, or colleagues you find yourself attracted to.

3) Relatives of course (father, brother, cousins).

How do you handle when men try to talk to you on the street?

Run as fast as you can!! Just kidding. You can politely tell them that you aren’t dating right now.

You will be tempted to take their numbers or give them yours with the thought that you will contact them after the fast. Don’t give in to the temptation. I guarantee you that whomever God has for you, will be just for you, and nothing will stop that.

Give God these 30 days to transform you for a lifetime. Let him make you whole. I look forward to what God has in store for you!

Jonnita Condra
Visit her at JonnitaCondra.com
Jonnita Condra is a Chicago native, currently residing in New York. She is the creator of the inspirational brand, Yur Storee, and author of Five Ways to Get Your Ideas out of Your Head.
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- See more at: The Guide to a 30 Day Fast from Men - The Praying Woman

sounds like a good plan if a lady needs to refocus, think i might try it

He Who Posts Well

May 27, 2012
Good for her. No one should have a problem with this. It's one less woman for you to holler at. keep it moving breh.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
I love my black women but y'all fall for anything that's cloaked or have a hint of religion attached to it
Well, it's kind of lame. Fasting from talking to black dudes? It's like what about white and Asian dudes? That's like fasting from wine and then drinking beer. It doesn't make sense.


fukk u weeaboo
May 3, 2012
Not Japan
So for all these feminists, yall believe God is a man or woman or some inconceivable shyt?