On the Haiti part it's true. The DIA armed the right wing group FRAPH. My uncle was part of the Haitian army and joined FRAPH. The Clinton's forced Aristide to demoralize the Army. This of course hurt the country instead of helped because alot of those army veterans went to a life of crime and did not join the National police like my uncle.

And it still didn't prevent military coup because Guy Philipe ousted Aristide in 2004. Aristide is not saint either. He killed journalist that was against him. He armed loyal gangs in Port au Prince to the teeth to create a Praetorian Guard. That is why there was fear back in 04 that if Guy Philipe's forces reached the capital there would have been bloodshed. The West used Arisitide to destabilize Haiti. He got rid of the military and basically defanged us. Now we have a weak national police force and dependent on the
UN Minustah peacekeeping forces.