83 percent of black men earning 100k annually marry Black women

Max Power

Mar 23, 2013
The right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way
meh...they don't want to hear this...if its 83% they'll complain that it's not 84% or some shyt...and if it were a 100% we'd hear a bunch of babying about the women's complexion. At some point BM have got to stop trying to prove anything...and just do what tf they want

"100k ain't balling like THAT :gurl:"


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Nov 9, 2017
Bucktown, U.S.A. (Harlem, NY) + 'Cuse, NY
Y'all still haven't figured it out yet that none of these numbers mean anything and won't make them feel any better if they (unwed women) themselves aren't included in the percentages...so expect for the slander to continue cause it ain't over yet.


Jun 21, 2012
It’ll be the same shyt from the election. “Why are black men supporting Trump?!? Black women saved the Dems.”

meanwhile 8 out of every 10 black men are voting democrat. And aside from black women at 9/10, no other group comes close.
Yup...and the probem just aint black women who say this....there are an army of weak black dudes who say that stuff too right in front of a camera....I remember in the Alabama Senate runoff a few years ago....when 96% of BW voted democrat and 93% of BM did....and BW supposedly "saved" the party...and people kept questioning why BM weren't as committed...people like Marc Lamont Hill and company....like wtf


Sep 15, 2014
I believe this 100, when you get to that 6 figure stage. You dont want to be giving your resources away to some woman who cant empathize with the blood and sweat it took to get to that stage, especially as a black man.

I would only marry a black woman at this stage in the game


• M Δ § † ë ® ¥ °
Jul 26, 2015
Black Hands on Green Money
I believe this 100, when you get to that 6 figure stage. You dont want to be giving your resources away to some woman who cant empathize with the blood and sweat it took to get to that stage, especially as a black man.

I would only marry a black woman at this stage in the game
:mjlol: ok


Sep 15, 2014
Reading this entire article

It really shows you that hyper generalized statistics dont mean a damn thing

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Those outlets are writing articles based on articles based on articles.
The actual study they are all citing is from 2011, full text is below



Home News BizTech Harmony Soul Life Community Literary Multimedia
New Research Shatters Myths and Provides New Hope for Black Love and Marriage
Monday, August 8, 2011

By Ivory A. Toldson, Ph.D., and Bryant Marks, Ph.D.

Do educated black women have a slim chance of getting married due to a dearth of equally successful black men? We often hear this opinion debated in the black community, especially in urban centers with large populations of young black professionals such as Atlanta, GA and Washington, DC. Many successful black women are pessimistic about their chances of finding love, and believe they need to compromise their preferences or virtues in order to find a mate. Contrarily, many successful black men are noncommittal in courtship because they believe they are a "rare commodity." Other black men may deal with residual doubts about their competence and worth, amid the prevailing notion that they are failing to contribute to the black family, the black community or society.

Meanwhile, entrepreneurial elements of America have found a variety of creative ways to benefit financially from black females' anxieties at the expense of black males' egos. Preachers, entertainers turned relationship experts, filmmakers and news documentaries have manipulated statistics to stoke the fear necessary to sell their preferred cut-rate brand of catharsis or solace.

In this article, we examine the question, "Are there enough successful black men for the black women who want them?" For all of our analyses we used the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS)[Endnote], which consists of sixty-six high-precision samples of the American population drawn from fifteen federal censuses, and the American Community Surveys (ACS) of 2000-2009. This file concatenates sixty-one of the IPUMS USA samples into a single data set that allows 160 years of micro-level census data to be accessed with single queries using PDQ-Explore. For most analyses, we only used the most recent year of data, 2009.

Are media portrayals of the black relationship dilemma accurate?

For example, we examine ABC News, Nightline feature article, "Single, Black, Female -- and Plenty of Company." Taking this statement literally, we should understand that single white women have more "company" than single black women. In the US, 6.2 million black women have never been married, compared to 16.6 million white women. Therefore, a single white female has 10 million more counterparts with whom to enjoy single life than black women.

However, as the article points out, sometimes numbers are deceiving. After all, as they claim, "Forty-two percent of U.S. black women have never been married, double the number of white women who've never tied the knot." True, with our independent analysis of the ACS, we find that 43 percent of black women have never been married compared to 20 percent of white women, who are 18 years and older. However, when analyzing the black women who are 35 and older, the percent who have never been married drops to 25 percent, indicating that a solid majority of black women get married before they turn 35. Granted, the total percent of unmarried black women is still twice more than for white women who are 35 and older.

The article goes on to state, "For starters, there are 1.8 million more black women than black men. So even if every black man in America married a black woman today, one out of 12 black women still wouldn't make it down the aisle if they hoped to marry a black man." True, using the most recent data in fact shows 1.9 million more black women than black men. However, the same data show 4.6 million more white women than white men. With this statement, they are exercising arrogant ignorance or deceptive omission to sell the story.

Finally, the article asserts, "Let's take 100 black men. By the time you eliminate those without a high school diploma (21 percent), the unemployed (17 percent) and those ages 25-34 who are incarcerated (8 percent), you have only half of black men, 54 percent, whom many black women find acceptable." Here, the article assembles numbers to assert, rather audaciously, that nearly half of all black men in America are unworthy of marriage because of their undesirable social characteristics. First, for this statement to be true there has to be zero overlap in these categories. In fact, research shows that nearly 70 percent of high school dropouts serve time in prison. Second, with the number of educated and skilled black people who are unemployed due to the compounding effects of a sluggish labor market and institutional racism, grouping the "unemployed" with high school dropouts and prisoners is hugely disingenuous.

Another more recent article in the Wall Street Journal by Ralph Banks asserts that black women should marry outside of their race to resolve their lack of prospects. The article takes many of the same ill-conceived positions as Dateline, but adds, "Even if a majority of white men are uninterested in dating black women, that still leaves more than enough eligible white men for every single black woman in America." As we mentioned earlier, there are 4.6 million more white women than white men. We should also add that in 2009 more than 377,214 more white women graduated from college than white men. Add this figure to the fact that white men are 7 times more likely than white women to serve time in prison, yet among the more successful white men, marriage rates are high; therefore the white community does not necessarily have a surplus of eligible white men. The truth is that marriage rates among black men and women are both low. If single black men and women could stop looking to the garbage media for solutions, they might be able to find love in one another.

Are there enough successful black men for the black women who want them?

We hope the above examples of manipulation will lead you to have a healthy level of skepticism toward media portrayals of black men and women. However, we still need to address the question, "Are there enough successful black men for the black women who want them?" The answer is somewhat elusive. In reality, if all 2,514,135 black women with a college degree wanted to marry a black man with a college degree, 830,797 would remain unmarried. In other words, only 1,683,338 black men in America today have a bachelor's degree.

Black women began to outpace black men in degree production more than a half century ago, starting in the 1960s. However, degree production has not brought about parity in the personal income of black women and black men. Nationwide, although more than 800,000 more black women than black men have at least a bachelor's degree, almost 200,000 more black men than black women earn more than $75,000 per year. In America,725,922 black men earn more than $75,000 compared to 528,204 black women; 100,000 more black men earn more than $100,000 than black women; and black men are twice as likely to earn more than a quarter million dollars. Therefore, if we define success in terms of education, there will never be enough black men for black women, but if we define success in terms of income, there is still some hope for black love.

Education increases the chances that a black male will earn a higher income but does not completely determine income. Several occupations that do not require a college degree are overrepresented among six figure black men. The top five occupations for black men who make six figures without a college degree are: (1) managers, (2) truck drivers, (3) police officers, (4) construction workers, and (5) bailiffs, correctional officers, and jailers. Interestingly, rounding out the top 10 are janitors and building cleaners; a profession that accounts for 1,431 black men who make six figures. The lesson; working hard at anything can lead to success.

Do black people have unstable marriage patterns because of forced breeding and family separations during slavery?

Some people assert that relationship problems in the black community have origins in slavery, because captors used black men as studs and sold away husbands, wives and children. This argument is extremely unsettling. The implication is that black people have taken more than 150 years to overcome a very callous breeding process, and whorish proclivities, which impede black men's ability to commit to his wife and children, could be operating at a subconscious level.

Our analysis of historical census data in fact suggests that it took black people no more than 20 years to overcome this subjugation (See Figure 1). Census estimates from 1880 to 1970 demonstrates marriage rates were mostly higher for black people than for white people. Two periods in history show large numbers of unmarried black women. The first is from 1880 to 1930, when more than 1 in 5 was widowed. The second is the period between 1980 and now, when marriage rates among black people sharply declined. This evidence suggests that residual instability in the black family is not the result of slavers studding out black men during slavery. Rather, it is the result of lynching, mass incarceration and institutional racism, which reduced opportunities for some black men to provide for and protect his family.

Several other factors also explain the high percentage of unmarried black women. First, urbanization is clearly associated with lower marriage rates among men and woman of all races. Black and white women in New York and Los Angeles are less likely to marry than their peers are in Atlanta and Washington, DC. All cities where the percent of married black people were well above the national average were small cities. Second, employment status reduces marriage rates by about 11 percent for black women and 12 percent for white women. Third, only 24 percent of white women and 13 percent of black women who live in poverty are married, compared to 78 percent of white women and 58 percent of black women with household incomes above $100,000. All of these factors disproportionately affect black people and should be noted when discussing lower marriage rates among black people.

Contrary to popular beliefs, the number of divorces has not been significantly higher for black people at any point in history. Divorces among black and white people doubled in the 1980s. However, today, 7,133,594 (nearly 70%) black children do not have both a mother and father in the home primarily because their parents were never married. Fifty-four percent of black children only have a mother in the home, 7 percent only have a father in the home, and 9 percent have neither a mother nor a father in the home. Interestingly, the number and percent of single black mothers and fathers are currently at historic highs.


Note: Percent of all people who have been married at least once regardless of the outcome of the marriage (e.g. intact, separation, divorce, or widowed).

Are most successful black men gay or prefer to be with white women?

To some black women who want black men, hope for black love is lost in the fact that they believe most successful black men are either gay or prefer to be with white women. We are not aware of any research studies that find a higher prevalence of homosexuality among black or successful men, and unfortunately, we cannot analyze this with our data. From our data, we can estimate that 578,533 (4.8 percent) black men and 2.5 million (3.4 percent) white men are in cohabitating relationships with other men. When comparing only white and black men who have college degrees the percent who are cohabitating with men is 2.6 percent for both races. We understand that only a small percentage of the total homosexual population cohabitate, however this is evidence against the theory that homosexuality is overrepresented among college educated black men.
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