99% of Women say no regret after abortion


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
That's like 1% of abortions.

I'm ok with that, but I believe if you go that route charges need to be filed or at least a police report made. Somebody has to face the consequences for their nefarious behavior
Plenty women are raped and do not report it.

It's a traumatizing experience.

Most women (&male rape victims) have a hard time dealing with the fact that they are raped let alone have the police in their business and possibly having to face theur accuser.
Dec 5, 2017
Thats makes no sense as one can experience unpleasant things at any given time. Should you be murdered then when that happens, should a child then be murdered because their future looks bleak. Also to your previous point, having rich parents doesn't guarantee a pleasant life, Steve Jobs was allegedly a shytty parent and should he himself been aborted as none of his parents wanted him and not lived to innovate products you and people you know use.

Also how do you determine an unpleasant experience, shouldve all black people been aborted because of racism, which of a child born in a 3rd world country warzone and one born in abject poverty in Manhattan is facing an unpleasant life that justifies abortion, how do you weigh them up to which is worse.
Once someone’s already here and on earth, no
But an unconscious fetus, yes and Steve Jobs is an exception, for every Steve Jobs, there are 5000 crash test dummies

Understand that the world is getting increasingly overpopulated and global warming is expected to render certain parts of the world uninhabitable which will potentially cause millions to seek refuge elsewhere. The notion that there’s way too many people on earth isn’t an irrational one

During Slavery Times, contraception obviously wasn’t a thing and black people were outright forced to have children oftentimes. I do think it’s immoral to intentionally bring children into slavery on your own volition though. It should be noted that the black population didn’t explode until the 1900s (post slavery) when most black people in the deep south lived off their families land and largely separate from white people. Despite poverty, it wasn’t a joyless existence. I think it’s immoral to bring kids into joyless existences meaning little to zero support system, some kind of genetic flaw that affects your day to day life, painful environments that’s borderline impossible to escape from (war, slavery, fukked up countries like Saudi Arabia or North Korea).

Murdering a baby minimizes it's human experience.​
No experience > a miserable experience


May 7, 2012
Plenty women are raped and do not report it.

It's a traumatizing experience.

Most women (&male rape victims) have a hard time dealing with the fact that they are raped let alone have the police in their business and possibly having to face theur accuser.

Making arguments like this is how women end up covered from head to toe and having to be chaperoned by a male relative everywhere they go.

I'm just saying

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
If you had actually read what I posted, you'd understand my argument was NOT 'abstinence only', but most people arguing against my position have no choice but to be selectively obtuse and quote studies that have nothing to do with it. The studies also don't take into consideration the proliferation of sexual imagery available online which pretty much teaches people that sex is "nothing special".​

Your critique is a strawman and here's why: Sex Ed is NOT just the school's responsibility. The school reinforces values that are taught in the home/community. If the parents haven't taught their children that human life is valuable and the schools don't back them up with the inculcation of those same values, we end up debating not how much value human beings have, but IF they have any value at all....which is the crux of my argument.​

The value that we place on humans has steadily declined as a direct result of devaluing sex. It is just "something humans do". No big deal. Killing a baby is also just something humans do. No big deal.​

Your Google search, and your opinion, is void, sir.​
I get what you're saying.. and overall, you're making a good point about what we need to be doing

My point is that we are at record LOWS for teenage pregnancy. So for whatever values people THINK we lost or are not reinforced at home, the numbers say our children are doing a much better job than we ever did. And that's pregnancy, not children. So it's not like they're just aborting them all. They are getting pregnant less. Something is clicking.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Can we dispel this myth, woman choose whom they want to have children, getting pregnant aint so blahzey as these pro-choie would have you believe.

:stopitslime:whos onus is it on for protection considering one is entering the others body and faces a greater burden.

Dad Beat Dad>>>>>>>baby killer

Ps Margaret Sanger was a Racist eugenist
Myth? Most these women ain't asking one nighters to put a condom on. They out here relying on pulling out and wishing. Even on birth control, when they end up pregnant, they either believe in abortion or they're having it.

I don't know what fairytale the coli believes where all these babies were planned with the men they wanted to have them with. A lot of the world was a mistake with the one they loved. And a lot more was a mistake period.

Again... Stop putting women on a pedestal. They got the same desires we do.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
The Devil's Advocate said:
I get what you're saying.. and overall, you're making a good point about what we need to be doing

My point is that we are at record LOWS for teenage pregnancy. So for whatever values people THINK we lost or are not reinforced at home, the numbers say our children are doing a much better job than we ever did. And that's pregnancy, not children. So it's not like they're just aborting them all. They are getting pregnant less. Something is clicking.

Abortion numbers only dipped below 1973 levels in 2017. What’s actually clicking is there are now more forms of contraceptives/BC which is fine with me.

Beats the hell outta murdering a baby.​